Three Drawers and a Closet

Three drawers and a closet

Think about it, IF you only could live with all your worldly possessions in three drawers and a closet. What would be the things you would take with you?  Or the other question is. What would someone else take for you? Say a daughter or son?

moving in skilled nursing with only three drawers and a closet storyHere is just ONE space I love, a bit of my life, my stuff. This is one small corner of my life.  I love my stuff, nothing clean and modern about me.

Since, moving Mom into a skilled nursing home, it’s one of those things I think about all the time. The lack of the need to things, the idea of all my things not meaning anything to me anymore. For her, I did all the moving and cleaning out. I learned the things that were important to me for her to have, had NO meaning to her. That was hardest, the bed quilt, the lap quilt I made. No feelings just, “I don’t want that.” So, I re-made the bed with all their things, I moved quilts in/on and out, so a few photos, hanger clothes, socks, nightgowns/robes, personal hygiene things, some games, her crocheting and three books, went in the drawers and closet.  She asked for something the other day I said, “It’s in the drawer Mom.”  “Oh, the girls open them I’ve never looked in them.”  Did you see my mind blow, since August 2017, you have NEVER opened a drawer.

It’s three drawers and a closet and it’s working.  Now the conversation…..what do I want for myself?

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