Thank you 2109… We have had a FANTASTIC year and finger’s crossed the same wonderful in 2020!
Reflections as time passes is my way of remembering. The travel, the laughter and the moments of moving forward. Husband and I have faced everything head on and together. Laughter has been our life line. Our kids and grands are all health and have so much love to share with us. Husband has taken on projects around our home. He takes my drawing and ideas and runs with them.
Care giving has taken on a new form and the education of that has been a mile stone for me and learning to say “No”or “Stop” has fed my strength and understanding to take care of myself first. Silence is my home and answering with that has given me my own power to let things and other’s be or go. Drama is not a word or a way I do anything any more.
We had the privilege to go on a Viking River Cruise, it was unbelievable and all I can really say is, “Get outside of your own world and see everything, it’s all wonderful ! “ My first time overseas and I’m sure that I was in Passau, Germany before…. magic or my first life?? I carry my camera always and here are just a few of 2019. I totaled the photo’s for 2019, 11,248, what a year ! !
This photo below is as we pulled out of Budapest, Hungry into the Danube River, and it really looked like that. The Church photo is from St. Stephen’s Church in Vienna, the only photoshop done on it was the guy in the bright green stripped shirt, he just wouldn’t move ! He has been deleted !
When you return home and glow in what you have, peace, happiness and our own wonderful.
The boys in the zoo.
My Quilts
My Flower Photo’s
And Our Home Projects
Happy 2020 ! ! !

Read my book “The Quilt Ladies” 12 Quilt Stories and 15 Complete Quilt Patterns
Make Retirement fun with my “How to Survive Retirement” a Check List
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