Time to start back ?!?!??
We all know over the past months, life has been a bit….overwhelming to say the least. And with my anxiety, it’s a bit trying at times. My knee surgery (Feb 17th) , and knee replacement rehab was a true shit show for me.
I have had fatigue over the top, panic attacks, and very long sleepless night. #2 Son is an essential worker and worry for his safety is/was numbing at time. But, now just over three months out, it’s become better. Or better said…I have just let it all go !
I’m still not at the point of glad I did the surgery and IF able and know what I do now, I would have not had it. Doc says in one year I will not notice it and in two year will be happy I did it. HE DIDN’T say that before the surgery and when I said that to him, he started to speak and Husband said, “Doc, she will get you.” And all stopped talking, HA.
In Phase One of being shut down, (March) I loved it. Being one who can be home for days it was welcoming to just be, to know I didn’t have to go or be judged for not going. To me it was just easy. The first few weeks of the quarantine was all about, social media, news reports and understanding. In Florida you have a hurricane stash of everything and I keep ours up and use from it all the time. We had toilet paper, can goods, a freezer full and cleaning supplies.
As the months went on, I have pulled back from social and this site. My Etsy store is/was up and going, thank you all for your purchases. I try to post on Facebook for the quilt ladies, I need to keep the store selling. But not much more anymore. I can’t seem to handle it, but I will keep trying.
Now, here in Florida we are in Phase two of opening and I have HAD to start going out again. Me, my mask and gloves. I didn’t drive for 10 weeks, the knee surgery and I just didn’t need or want to go !
At this time, we all have to be mindful of each other, wash our hands, not touch our face, wear a mask and be kind.