It’s CRAZY Man Quilt Pattern Book Time

NOW in Print and Downloadable

A Crazy Man Quilt. I have a grandson who knows his own mind and has since birth. So, when he asked for a birthday quilt, this is what I came up with, he’s our Crazy Man. 

The “Crazy” part of this quilt is the background fabric, it’s bold, it’s yellow and it’s what makes the blocks a “Crazy Man” quilt. 

12 blocks each block 8″ x 8″ complete instructions how to put the quilt together finished size is 48″ x 60″  Instructions on how to do quilt binding included too. 

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Crazy Man Quilt Pattern Book

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My Books:

The Quilt Ladies  Print  and    eBook
How to Survive Retirement  Print  and    eBook
Anxiety of Anxiety  Print  and    eBook
The Ladies Quilt Pattern   Print    at Etsy
B. Annie Quilt Pattern   Print    at Etsy
53 Quilt Block Patterns Quilt   Print    at Etsy
A Holiday Quilt   Print       at Etsy
One Quilt Block Twelve Ways  Print      at Etsy
Crazy Man Quilt Pattern  Print      at Etsy