October Holiday To Do List

It’s Time to Make a Plan

Had a question about Deep Cleaning. It’s doing the big stuff. Husband helped me…we pulled the living room rug 13′ x 20′ wool rug out onto plastic in the drive-way. We powered washing it, we went over it  and over it to get the water out…Pulled the plastic and rug into the garage EVERY night for four nights. It’s finally dry…probably will not do that again. But, it’s deep cleaned and perfect.
The Quilt Ladies Shop
Deep cleaning is to get the corners clean so when needed, you dust, vacuum and ready to go.
It’s true many hands make light work, other’s live in the house? Pick a day, afternoon, weekend and everyone helps, it’s everyone’s holiday, not just yours. Make a plan. NO signing up for anything, Click on link and GET !

Here is my October To Do List

October Holiday To Do List
Click to GET October Holiday To Do List
The idea of no drama is what my slow and steady has become these past few years. Nothing makes me happier than a list so I’m loving my Holiday To Do List here.

Gift List for Mom and Grandma !

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Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books

Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author
who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books

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