This is the method how “I” do my triangle corners. Had an ask for a bit more information on HOW and here it is. I added also, How I do center square blocks is also here.
Cut your Squares into triangles as stated in the pattern.
Sew triangles (finished size plus 7/8″) to square or triangle block,
trim and press.
trim and press.
Cut your Squares (finished size plus 7/8″)and then into triangles as
stated in the pattern
stated in the pattern
Place the good-side of fabric to good-side of
fabric, sew from corner to corner.
fabric, sew from corner to corner.
Using a 1/4” seam allowance, trim, press to larger triangle.
Here is a fun way that I do a Center Square Quilt Block
Center Square
Cut your Squares and then into triangles as stated in the pattern.
Sew on the top triangle, Trim the ends even.
Sew on the bottom Triangle, Trim the ends.
sewing the pieces across make the square lay flat, as does trimming the ends.
sewing the pieces across make the square lay flat, as does trimming the ends.
Sew on the side triangles.
Trim the block make sure to leave the 1/4” seam allowance.

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my Quilt Ladies Books Beth Ann
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
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