“Yes, Ma’am,” Say It, Us It, Do It

Please, Be a Kind

I had a hard time talking with our landscaper, and it’s bothered me all week. SO here I go!

True wisdom in knowing when to say, “Yes, ma’am.” And not just to anyone! This sacred phrase is reserved for the VIPs of life: wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunties, and that 67-year-old landscape customer who can probably out rake you any day of the week.

These ladies in your life have earned their “Yes, ma’am” privileges. Your wife puts up with your selective hearing and your inability to find anything in the fridge. Your mother carried you for nine months and only brings it up every other phone call. Your grandmother? She has stories from “back in her day” that could humble even the toughest man. Sisters and aunties? They’ve been roasting you since childhood and will continue to do so until the end of time. And the 67-year-old landscape customer? Well, if she tells you to cut, cut it! – because she’s seen things, and you don’t want to find out what happens if you say no.

Don’t hesitate. Because the moment you do, that landscape lady is coming for you with a rake. OR hiring a new company ! ! 

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Block Patterns

Beth Ann