This quilt book is a PDF and it’s right here

As some of you may already know, life has been quite hectic for me lately. Between health, family, and all the other daily responsibilities with my sites, it feels like there’s hardly any time for me to simply breathe. I’ve decided – it’s time to take a step back, re-center myself, and indulge in some much-needed creativity and self-care.
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop is ALWAYS OPEN it’s Etsy and they know how to do it !
And AMAZON too ! The Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann’s Books
That’s why, for the next bit, I’ll be sharing one of my favorite quilt pattern book with you all. This quilt book is a basket quilt, finished size 42″ x 42′ and I hope that it can bring some of that same magic to your lives as well. Whether you’re a seasoned quilter or just starting out, I’m confident that this quilt pattern will ignite your imagination and help you create a truly stunning work of art.
IF you do want to sign up for a notice of my posts, do that on the top right of this site. I am stepping back from social media too, BUT will continue to post here, you are going to have to come to me…I have pre-posted and please remember to get your Baskets Around a Quilt Pattern
So what will I be doing while I take this break? Well, for starters, I’ll be exploring other talents in new ways and taking in all the beauty that our world has to offer with photography, and doing holidays simple and slow. I’m excited to see where the road takes me next. But more than anything, I’ll be using this time to recharge my creative batteries. Taking a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life will give me the space and energy I need to tap into my artistic side, experiment with new techniques, and dream up new designs to share with you all in the future.
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop is ALWAYS OPEN it’s Etsy and they know how to do it !
And AMAZON too ! The Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann’s Books