I’m on the third go of doing my office/art room over and I think this time, I got it ! ! From the painted walls, my wonderful studio table and NOW my drop leaf table ! ! Of course lots of drawings and lots of research….I love project research ! Finished table is here and I love it.

With all the research done and three different options, I talk with Husband, it’s become an almost presentation. You know…..he’s the builder and THANK goodness he doesn’t roll his eyes at me anymore ! !
That being said, doesn’t mean he’s not going to change things a bit. First idea was just to purchase a 1950″s drop leaf, cut, fix to wall, he wanted nothing of that. I had though 2″ x 2″ legs and he wanted it to match my studio table, easy give. I wanted shelves, to get EVERYTHING off the floor in this room. Well…just about everything. My plans

The leaf legs out of 1 x 4

All put together and ready for paint

With drying time being an issue here in Florida, I moved the table into the house for painting.

Top, leaf and two shelves

Assembly was in it’s place, it’s very heavy

Added legs on first, hinges on top and bottom of each. A piano hinge was used for the drop leaf and fitted over the legs and was fasten down from underneath.

Letting it cure for a bit and I will show it all soon. First question…..YES, you can do both sides. I didn’t want that, I just want to put I sewing machine on the top and pull it out when I need it. NEXT, I would like a fireplace in the living room….the planning has already began.

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