My Past Weeks Photo’s by Beth Ann. I have been wanting to do this for a bit and with things a bit calmer, I am going to try. What it really does is get me OUT and taking pictures.
We live in a fantasy area here in Sarasota, Florida, so many things to see and do. We always make it to the Ringling before most holiday’s. I call it a “vacation day”. I took 417 pictures on this day. I found I was a bit involved with the lighting??? I try very hard to just take pictures, not over think anything like portions of thirds, colors, just shoot what my eyes see at the time. 
The Quilt Ladies Book Collection of Quilt Stories and Quilt Patterns
I have always loved old thing and this is one of my favorite houses to visit. I hope that some day they will open it up to special tours and let me take my camera behind the red ropes….BUT until that time, I just keep taking pictures.