My LOVE KNOT Quilt Pattern Book HERE

My LOVE KNOT Quilt Pattern Book is AVAILABLE

You asked and it’s taken me a bit, but it’s done and ready for you to purchase. Each Love Knot quilt block is eleven by eleven inches. You will need four quilt blocks to finished the quilt as shown in the pattern. Read all the details.

Love Knot quilt pattern book

I am so very proud of this quilt pattern, it’s on my Etsy Shop, you purchase, Love Knot Quilt Pattern, it’s to you in moments as a PDF download. 100% safe, that’s why it’s only on Etsy. 

Love Knot Quilt Pattern Book

Take a moment and stop over to The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book on Kindle and Nook, nothing is possible without your purchases, Beth

The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

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My Book, The Quilt Ladies, Fifteen Quilt Patterns – Beth Ann Doing

The Quilt Ladies, is a story that follows five friends through my book, The Quilt Ladies   Each of the Twelve stories continues the story and has the FIFTEEN quilt pattern/instructions for the quilts the Ladies are making in each book.

And NOW in Print TOO !

And on PRIME ! 

SEE all my Books in PRINT 

The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Book of Quilt patterns and stories
My Book “The Quilt Ladies”
Ebook on Kindle and Nook
The Quilt Ladies on Kindle and NOOK

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book on Kindle and Nook, nothing is possible without all of you

The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

The Ladies Quilt Pattern Book

“The Ladies” Quilt Pattern

The Ladies Quilt Book

68 quilt pattern blocks, with complete cutting and piecing instructions. Make the quilt blocks as shown, a quilt which is 76″ x 84″ or just as a single quilt project reference of quilt blocks.

 The Ladies Quilt Pattern“The Ladies” are The Quilt Ladies. This project started as a gift idea and turned into a quilt pattern. The Ladies started by deciding the block size of eight inches by eight inches and the piecing of only straight seams. Drawing out each quilt block on graph paper and all hand written directions, they discovered they had lots of star patterns and they liked the quilt blocks that look complicated but weren’t. So, they purchased fabric and made each quilt block.

Here it is today, “The Ladies” Quilt Pattern Book

The Ladies Quilt Pattern Book  One of the quilt blocks from The Ladies Quilt Pattern Book

The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU