Are you thinking about retirement ?
Or already retired?

You have to find fun, excitement, and joy in your days. 40 years to achieve the retirement goal, and you are not happy, you don’t know what to do all day? YOU need a plan.
Husband and I retired early, he was 57, and I was 55. Most people hear us say our ages and they ask, “What do you do all day?” VERY, very rarely do they ask, “How do you afford it?” This book has NO money talk, it’s all about happiness. Now in Print and eBook ! !
To me that is hilarious: before retirement you plan financially, you plan the date, but you don’t take time to figure out what you want to do for 20-30 years of retirement. I have seen it now for five years. How to Survive Retirement
Everyone thinks that you magically know how to retire. YOU DON’T but my book will help you think through what you need and what you want for YOUR life. No money talk, this is all ideas to make your 20-30 years of retirement what you want and need it to be for years of joy. Retirement is talked about just as going off to college is.
PLEASE retire happy!
“If you are unhappy….us other old people don’t want to be around you.”
How to Survive Retirement as an eBook and NOW in PRINT
See all My Books in Print
and Downloadable:
The Quilt Ladies Print and eBook
How to Survive Retirement Print and eBook
Anxiety of Anxiety Print and eBook
The Ladies Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
B. Annie Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
53 Quilt Block Patterns Quilt Print and at Etsy
A Holiday Quilt Print and at Etsy
One Quilt Block Twelve Ways Print and at Etsy
Crazy Man Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
Author information:
My name is Beth Ann Strub, sixty three years old, retired and living in central Florida, about 20 minutes from the white sandy beaches we all love and right on a golf course, which I have never played on, but it’s pretty. I was born and raised in Iowa and have lived in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and now in Florida. I am a quilt designer, book written, I love to swim, cook/eat and family is my joy.