The Anxiety of Anxiety Book

The Beth Ann Way

I know of what I speak. My new book is what I have learned and my process through The Anxiety of Anxiety. My anxiety help book.
My entire life it was something I dealt with quietly, internally and even sometimes loudly. Never spoken of, not talked about until I happened upon my now doctor at sixty.

The Anxiety of Anxiety Book

Journey of Self-Care and Slowing Down,
My fourteen step plan. I am not a doctor, but this is now I did it.

Printed Copy   and Anxiety of Anxiety Book by Beth Ann Strub  eBook

I started Slow and Self-Care early in 2018, (if ONLY it was before) it’s been an on-going project. I’ve fallen short a few times, but always gathered myself up and started again.  The Anxiety of Anxiety

NO one will be free of stress, but you must learn to live and go about life with it. You need to make yourself first, this is terribly hard and still today, I quite myself, listen to myself and do what is need for me. Learn my tricks, my silent word prayer, mine is HAPPY ! over and over, hundreds of times in my mind.
Slowing Down has been VERY rewarding. Look around see what is around you, and SLOW is 30 seconds, not minutes slow, when you slow down YOU become first in your own world.

Table of Contents
1 …..Schedule Doctors                        

2 …..Choose your Word             
3 …..Be Gentle with Yourself       
4 …..Slow it All Down                           
5 …..Moments to See
6 …..Gentle Reflection
7 …..Take A Bit
8 …..Cozy Clothes
9 …..No Complaining
 10….Celebrate each Day
11….Create your Own Space
12….Say No
13….Laugh & Love
14….Remember who you Are
15….Idea Index

Anxiety of Anxiety in PRINT

Anxiety of Anxiety eBook