Looking back in 2018 Myself-Care

Last week I started my annual writing out of my goals for the new year.  I took a bit of time doing them and even looking back into 2018. What a year it was for me, 2018. I had never really done anything that was closely related to self-care. 

Self-care can also be known as, “I’m putting myself first.”

Those around you, don’t really get it and will act and balk a bit, but that’s alright. I surprised myself a lot and walked away, turned quite or just said, “I can’t do this with you anymore.” I have heard from only one, “You don’t care,” I do, but it’s about me first now. I cannot be everything is everyone anymore. I have to come first. Funny what you learn at 60…..

I love the process of writing out goals, my ideas, sketches for quilt patterns and art projects. Loving a good list and marking off what I have finished from it makes me happy!

A huge goal checked off my list, my New book and it’s here for you!   It’s priced for all, with many ideas to make YOUR next 20-30 years of retirement great on a daily and emotional level.
So here I go into 2019, goals, ideas and a huge plan for travel, quilts, drawing, and photography. Plus a few more home decorating projects. 

How to Survive Retirement by Beth Ann Strub

How to Survive Retirement my new book on KINDLE

 The writing of goals makes them real, “A goal not written is just a dream.”