Do you have a Happy Place?
Husband always says,”My life is a happy place.” I think that’s funny. Since all the learning I have been doing lately and figuring myself out, I do understand what he is saying.
You are the only one who can make you happy. Maybe at 60 years old, I finally figured out NO one and nothing but ME, can make me happy ! I’ve been trying very hard to live in my own doings, my own happiness and my own ideas. And My Happy Places HELP !
I love my bed, I have an over the top routine of what it has to be, how it is made, the sheets, pillows, I confess, I AM a bit Nuts over it, and I have given it YEARS of practice ! And, I’m not a prude about it either, I love to crawl in, eat lunch,have afternoon coffee, read a book, right in the middle of it. It’s all about being…..Happy ! Laugh out LOUD !
My office is a very happy place too, I use it daily and most days, I kind of escape into it. Awake early this is the place you will find me.
i know I have shown our Lanai a few times, but I love this spot, it’s hot here right now and I can only go out early morning. but I love this spot !
Find or make yourself a spot, a quilt on the chair, do something for yourself !
This is the FIRST quilt I made, and you know….NO ONE sleeps or touches it but me and IT’S just fine ! I don’t think anyone cares ! And….I makes my HAPPY !

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