There always seems to be SO much to do at the holidays and it’s NOW time to start doing it all.
Start your planning early, and you’ll avoid the stress of last-minute shopping, cleaning and cooking. Maybe even a slow and steady holiday. Here is my November planner, just CLICK HERE and download, NO sign up or anything ! It’s FREE
So there you have it, my friend. The benefits of starting your Christmas planning early are plenty! Don’t wait until it’s too late – get a head start on your holiday prep and enjoy a stress-free and enjoyable Holiday season. Happy planning!
Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author
who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books
Had a question about Deep Cleaning. It’s doing the big stuff. Husband helped me…we pulled the living room rug 13′ x 20′ wool rug out onto plastic in the drive-way. We powered washing it, we went over it and over it to get the water out…Pulled the plastic and rug into the garage EVERY night for four nights. It’s finally dry…probably will not do that again. But, it’s deep cleaned and perfect. Deep cleaning is to get the corners clean so when needed, you dust, vacuum and ready to go. It’s true many hands make light work, other’s live in the house? Pick a day, afternoon, weekend and everyone helps, it’s everyone’s holiday, not just yours. Make a plan. NO signing up for anything, Click on link and GET !
The idea of no drama is what my slow and steady has become these past few years. Nothing makes me happier than a list so I’m loving my Holiday To Do List here.
With all the planning, PLEASE set aside time for fun, laughter and togetherness.
I am not hosting Thanksgiving this year and that has moved me ahead on my to do list. I’m enjoying the process and stopped what I was doing to go to lunch with a surprise guest the other, ENJOY your holiday!
Go slow and steady and ENJOY, you do have the power to set the mood. See all the to do lists – September – October – November
Here are my Holiday Gift Tags, all free no signing in, just click and print in color or black and white, cut out and use ! Happy Holiday
NOW’S the time to GET it DONE – and do it ONCE. You need to purchase, wrap/tag, gift is done. Don’t over think it, don’t purchase more. Same with food, you thought about it, purchased, frozen or going to cook, it’s done.
Take a breath and ENJOY everything and everyone. Be slow and steady and in every moment.
Holiday To Do List – December
Set aside time for happiness
Holiday Calendar– Check and add things as you go – travel times, shopping days, other life appointments, doctor-dentist, birthdays etc
Check gift list– stocking stuffers and keep purchasing as you see things Christmas Eve things – NEW pajamas, one gift, decorate Christmas cookies, special dinner items
Finish Holiday Decorating – tree, house, make traditions.
Deep Clean Kitchen – Wash, wipe down kitchen cabinets – pretty much everything in the kitchen, counters clear them off, floor, oven, microwave, everything as early as possible to start the season.
Pantry, freezer, refrigerator clean and ready
Deep Clean Guest room and guest bath, sheets and fresher pillows, put in dryer for at least 30 minutes
Mail any gifts early
Meal list finalized
Grocery shop – liquor – soft drinks
Don’t’ forget Teacher gift, neighbor gifts, service vendors gifts
Wrap gifts – hide, store or under the tree
Deliver giftsyou can in person
Before guests arrive – Check guest room – Put out any quests needs, towels and a greeting basket
Cooks as much as you can before
Prep Christmas morning breakfast day/night before
Clean and TidyEVERYTHING as you go.
Check to see if batteriesand other accessories are needed for gifts.
Snuggle with cocoa, books, movies, the kids and lots of quilts
Fill stockings
Let the Fun Begin, Have a Wonderous Holiday Season
The idea of no drama is what my slow and steady has become these past few years. Nothing makes me happier than a list so I’m loving my Holiday To Do List. If you missed September Holiday To DO List it’s here for you.
Had a question about Deep Cleaning. Deep cleaning is to get the corners clean so when needed, you dust, vacuum and ready to go. It’s true many hands make light work, other’s live in the house? Pick a day, afternoon, weekend and everyone helps, it’s everyone’s holiday, not just yours. Make a plan. See The Quilt Ladies Etsy Shop
Please remember these are just idea to get you started and ready for the holiday’s, not to make anything perfect, but with little steps maybe make for time for what you want to do, not have to do. This past week has been…well any who, here you go!
Gift Storage Spot– Very important if you are purchasing early and need to keep things out of sight. Pick up tape, wrapping, boxes as you see them when doing other things
Cook and freezeAND try out all NEW recipes
Do freezer inventory and clean out
Look through decorating things – purchase things you will need, purchase wrapping things too
Gift List check– Check with family for their lists. Think about your own wish list, nice to have something in mind when asked.
Try new traditions– what worked years before
Family outfits and clothing needs for What?
Hair cuts
Set Photo Shot (if doing) Order Christmas card and thank you notes
Make all travelarrangements – Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years
If needed start purchasing liquor for events and recipes.
Purchase stamps
Deep Clean Dining Room – Clean vacuum shampoo carpet, Clean and find Serving Dishes, polish or wax dining table, make sure chairs are stable and secure
Purchase holiday home show tickets – Great early gift too !
At NO Additional cost to you, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase. These few cents help with my fabric collection and or obsession. Beth Ann
and as always, Thank you for making my dream a reality ! !
After Christmas in July sales, I started picking up a few things here and there for the holidays. Christmas in July at our house, should be called let’s purchase for ourselves July. But now it’s that time of the year to start thinking about the holidays. See All Beth Ann’s Books
After years of doing everything the entire month of November. I started December 2020, a slow and steady way, but this is the first year I have written it down. Slow and steady but…WOW what a list.
Add what you need for yourself and family, and remember this is just Christmas, no Thanksgiving.
Start shopping as you go – see something pick it up, get one gift card per week,
Start any Handmade items you need to Make
Photo’s for cards (if doing)Schedule, whole family start talking and plan,
Start a Holiday Calendar – travel times, shopping days, other life appointments, doctor-dentist, birthdays etc.
Talk overwith loved ones who, what, where – travel? no travel? Who is hosting? Gifts? Photo Shot?
Meal ideas– purchase can goods and freezer items ONLY early if on sale
NOW on Kindle and in PRINT
Need a quilt quilted??? Call long arm quilter or get it there NOW ! They book up and some/most close down for the holidays
Deep Clean the Living room– Declutter – This is the time I like to have drapes/curtains cleaned, larger rugs cleaned, shampoo carpets, any furniture that need cleaned or repaired.
Deep Clean Your own Bedroom and Closet – Take off bed skirt wash, vacuum under everything, declutter clean off and out your dresser. Dust blinds, clean windows, wash drapes/curtains, bedding, your main bathroom too – floor, grout, shower, toilets, clean light, mirrors, shower curtains and linens
Closet – Go through clothes, put summer away if climate allows, organize jewelry, shoes and bags. Send anything to dry cleaner
Budget– Plan ahead and make the holiday better without charging or worrying about money. I have a line budget column and I know the amount, know it’s saved and what can be spent, plan a head for next year start 2023 or now.
Purchase holiday home show tickets – Great early gift too !
At NO Additional cost to you, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase. These few cents help with my fabric collection and or obsession. Beth Ann and as always, Thank you for making my dream a reality ! !
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