Hope you had a wonderful holiday and can take some time to sew. I’m showing hand stitching a four patch quilt block, but you can do it on a sewing machine too !
Cut 80 – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ squares
Piece together to form a 4-patch block
I started with cut size 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ squares, I like a soft gray thread, needle and thimble.
Cut the thread about 20 inches long,
knot one end of the thread
I don’t mark a sewing line, I measure the outside edge of my left thumb in and use that as my guide.
As long as you do the entire project, it’s just fine to do it this way. Group project, draw the 1/4″ seam line, I use a pencil line, if line is drawn.
At the edge
I make what I call a circle knot, a loop and through,
do it once or twice.
I don’t cut my thread just work into the next piece
Do another circle knot to start this piece.
You will have 40 – 2-patch blocks
Open up the 2-patch blocks, press the seam to the
dark fabric side
and add another 2-patch
Matching up the seams, open to check and
make sure before sewing
You will have 20 – 4-Patch blocks

I am the Author of The Quilt Ladies Book Collection
and Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns