March Quilt Pattern 2025

Baby Quilt, Lap Quilt, Table Topper, You Decide

March’s Quilt Pattern is NOW ready to YOU and it’s a Baby Quilt !
 Let’s get started with a perfect size baby quilt or something for yourself. I use mine as a dresser topper. Use up your scrap quilt fabrics or a charm packs will do too. ONLY available at my Etsy shop.

March Quilt Pattern 2025 from The Quilt LadiesComplete quilt instructions and loads of pictures to help you if needed, so this quilt pattern is for all quilters at every level.
PDF download to you in moments, 16 pages, print out on 8.5” x 11” paper or save to your computer it’s delivered to you by Etsy, they know what they do! Here is HOW download from Etsy

PDF download a Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern

The Quilt Ladies Logo Beth Ann
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Making a Quilt for a Grandchild – The Quilt Ladies

Quilt Block Pattern for Grand #1

This is my original post from The Quilt Ladies Site about the process of making a quilt for Grand #1.

Can’t get photo’s to move to the center?!?! Maybe moving from one to other? But…here is the quilt block pattern for you, I have used this quilt block and it’s HERE for you  to make

from 3-2009 post
Here Grandma goes,
Little Boy's First Quilt, star quilt pattern
Little Boy's First Quilt, star quilt pattern
Grand One’s Bedroom is Blue, with space things. I’m not doing planets. So it’s a bit of blue, red and a tan background.

Little Boy's First Quilt, star quilt pattern

I always start with a pattern, I have a software program, but for years I used graph paper. The size, the block, borders and binding, all right in front of me, usually doing the sections for a couple of blocks at a time.

Little Boy's First Quilt, star quilt pattern

I don’t like cutting yards of material and then putting one block together and then not liking it.
Plus I need to see the end result.
I know no one will notice, but this is the same pattern as his first baby quilt 6 years ago. That one was hand quilted, this one will be tied as I know how it will be loved, washed and washed.
Little Boy's First Quilt, star quilt pattern


I have the blocks finished and I’m going to get them all put together and off of the sewing room.

Little Boy's First Quilt, star quilt pattern

Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books

Beth Ann is a Quilter
and an Author who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

Make It Special with a Quilt

Baby Quilt Pattern

and it’s time for a
Baby Quilt Pattern
Make it Special

NOW in Print and an eBook

Baby Quilt Pattern Book

Want to give the PERFECT gift for a new baby or as a lap quilt for someone special. EVERYONE will LOVE this quilt and that you made it for them….wondrous.

Why so Special? It’s the THIRTEEN quilt blocks, each has a finished size of four inch by four inch. All the piecing of the quilt blocks are straight line, with complete cutting and sewing instructions included. The finished size of the quilt is thirty inches by thirty inches.

See All My Books HERE

beth ann of

SEE MY BOOKS on Amazon and See everything eBooks and Quilt Patterns.

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU
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