Photo Wall

Cut, Paint and Hang

This has been on the back burner for a bit. Like you I have seen them on Pinterest.
When I cleaned out a cedar chest to move it out, it was the keeper of the photo’s. So, off to Pinterest to find a photo wall.  Here is my before and after photo.
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before and after photo wall using 1" lumber

I used for the back 1″ x 4″, the bottom 1″ x 3″ and the front edge 1″ x 2″. I did have them cut at Lowes, I sanded, glued/nailed and painted with the same wall color paint.  Made three of them. 

photo wall using 1 inch lumber

The hardest part was the hanging of the shelves, both Husband and I on ladders, getting it level and into the wall stud…needed more hands, but we finally got it. 
photo wall

Our finished photo wall.

photo wall

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