Celebrate every day
After last week, I had the thought of what really makes me happy on a daily bases, besides my STUFF…. Yes, Husband, the kids, friends, all make me happy. But, those little jewels that just appear that make you smile or content in your own life.

Walking in the morning and Husband almost always says, “We are at our Florida church.” The holiness of our bodies moving, the blue sky, the sounds of life starting from the birds to the cars of neighbors and the moments we thank God for another day.
Next my bed, I have a love for a good bed. It’s the sheets, mattress pad, pillows and quilt. Yes, a bit about stuff. Crawling into a clean bed, it’s a simple pleasure to me. The feel of a quilt between my fingers, the softness of it, the warmth and I don’t care how hot it is, I always start with one, it makes it home.
I have always remembered and celebrate days gone by, my calendar on my phone is full of what happened on what day in our lives. I have stepped this up a bit, as I see it, why shouldn’t every day be a wonderful day, and if not, why not a wonderful memory of that day. I hope I can focus my days in the wonder of time and if it has to be memories of the past, so be it.
Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book on Kindle and Nook, nothing is possible without your purchases, Beth