Quilter’s and Their Quilt Pattern Books

Gift Giving Ready

I love books and then a Quilt Pattern Book…I am over the moon with happiness. Quilters NEVER have enough quilt patterns. 

Gifts for Every Quilter from The Quilt Ladies

Some of My favorite quilt pattern books,
(wink, wink) 

53 Quilt Pattern Blocks 

A Holiday Quilt 

All in One Year of Quilt Patterns 

B. Annie 

Crazy Man 

Love Knot

One Quilt Block 12 Ways 

The Ladies 

The Quilt Ladies 

Quilt Ladies Books in Print
                      Prime Delivery and in eBooks too !

The Anxiety to Anxiety
How to Survive Retirement
and The Quilt Ladies COMPLETE Collection in Print

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU
This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.

B. Annie Quilt Pattern – Now in PRINT

Downloadable and NOW in Print

B. Annie quilt pattern book by Beth Ann StrubHave you ever seen a quilt and it makes your heart skip a beat?
THIS is the QUILT to do just that!  

The quilt blocks are set in white with a pieced leave border to bring the quilt all together.
The Bear Paw pattern has been redesigned into Sixteen different quilt blocks, each with a finished size of Fourteen by fourteen inches. The quilt will be 88” x 84” finished size.
Pattern can be used as shown or put together in many different combinations. Complete quilt pattern blocks, all cutting and piecing instructions and how to put the quilt together section. Quilt binding section included too.  Sixteen, Fourteen by fourteen inch Quilt Block Patterns

Full Color PHOTO’s of Each Pattern and Complete cutting and Piecing Instructions 

B. Annie Quilt Pattern in PRINT
OR   Download from my Etsy Shop

B. Annie Quilt Pattern Book B. Annie Quilt Pattern Book

Beth Ann Doing Logo

See all My Books in Print
and Downloadable:

The Quilt Ladies Print and eBook
How to Survive Retirement Print and eBook
Anxiety of Anxiety Print and eBook
The Ladies Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
B. Annie Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
53 Quilt Block Patterns Quilt Print and at Etsy
A Holiday Quilt Print and at Etsy
One Quilt Block Twelve Ways Print and at Etsy
Crazy Man Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy

The Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann

Meet The Author Beth Ann Strub:
I’m a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish my quilt books and quilt patterns, with that I became a solo-business owner, Strubbie House Publishing. I’m taking my quilts and making a dream into a reality. I love quilts, painting, art, reading, furniture, decorating and The Quilt Ladies, they have changed my life.