Happy Mother’s Day from The Quilt Ladies

Rocking in History

Happy Mother’s Day from my home to all you quilt. A bit of my story.
Pin Wheel Quilt Pattern Block in Yellow and OrangeLong ago, my Great-great Grandmother made this quilt. 
I knew nothing of the quilt or her until years and years later. 
But this quilt changed a lot in me and in my life.  Here is the Pinwheel Quilt Pattern for you ! 
What I knew, was this rocker. This is (above) my Great Grandmother, Martha Hale. The rocker was hers and she was the ONLY one who sat in it.  I remember her kitchen with a long white table and really heavy chairs. I remember the smells and I wish with all my heart I had been older to talk and listen to her.  She lived until she was 93 years old.
This is my Grandmother, Glade,  my hero, my heart and my friend. Grandma  lived, she laughed, she played and she worked very hard in a man’s world of her day. She was teaching and I was learning from her until the day she left us, I had the honor of being her grand-daughter.
On one of the very last times I’d visited my Great-Grandmother Hale, pictured above. My Grandmother Glade remembers me saying, “I love that rocker.”   A week before my wedding Grandma Glade asked me to stop down to her house, I did and when I arrived she gave me the rocker. She had  it for years, I’d never seen it in her home. When I asked she said, “I’ve been holding it for you.”
This is my mother in the rocker. Mom is still with us in a nursing center, she is 92.
And my Belinda, my sister, with Grandma Glade. Belinda was 9 years old when I was born, she named me, she never played with dolls again, she had me, I was her doll. 
She gives me her love and she has mine, 100% until the day I die.
These ladies and this rocker is a staple in my life and in our home, it has rocked many babies, and it has never asked for anything. It’s as solid as my family of Ladies.
Happy Mother’s Day
to all who are with us and in our hearts today.

beth of beth ann doing

Read my book “The Quilt Ladies” 12 Quilt Stories
and 15 Complete Quilt Patterns
Make Retirement fun with my “How to Survive Retirement” a Check List
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOUThe Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.
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