Take a few moments to enjoy your holiday with a NEW Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies. My December Quilt Pattern
Complete Quilt Pattern with all cutting and piecing instructions for a 69″ x 54″ quilt. Nothing says Holiday’s more that a special quilt that you have made. Center of the quilt block is a star with a golden glow around it. Complete getting started and quilt binding is also included in the quilt pattern.
All the Monthly Quilt Pattern are HERE for YOU at My Etsy Shop
This and all the MONTHLY Quilt Pattern are NOW in my Printed book on Amazon

All in One Year Quilt Patterns
Meet Beth Ann:
I’m a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish my quilt books and quilt patterns
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOUThis post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.