Time Moves On

Saying good-bye to my Mom.


The past few weeks have been crazy and I’m trying my best to get my feet back under me. My Mom passed last Monday afternoon, she had fallen. She was 93 and in a care center for just over five years.Hands Together Photo by Beth Ann Strub

I’m hoping for a bit of calm to settle over me.  At times it still seems crazy, but adjusted or accepting will come. Almost everything is cleaned out, shipped and notes written. Have to do the work first…exhausting.

It’s now about me and what is next? That shouldn’t be hard…but she’s been my constant concern for SO long. But, I’m working my plan and taking care of myself.  

I am going with my slow and steady ways, please, purchase my quilt patterns and books and I’ll get back as soon as possible.
Love always, Beth Ann

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