Birthday and February Quilt Pattern

February Quilt Pattern and Free Table Topper Quilt


With so much going on, I kind of missed my birthday… but I have reached the ripe old age of 66 and some days everything seems to hurt. My Florida swim body now feels a bit saggy, and I have learned a new morning routine of time to get everything moving again.
February Quilt Pattern table topper from The Quilt Ladies
I have been trying to have self-care be more than a bubble bath. Taking walks, laughing quilting, drawing, read or just being, whatever helps me find peace within yourself and relaxes your mind. 

Here is my February Quilt Pattern, shown in red, but any colors and white will work too. The Quilt Pattern is here At The Quilt Ladies Shop and in my book All in ONE Year Quilt Patterns

I have added one of my table topper quilt patterns for you to make too, pictured below

February Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

But, who needs a bikini body when you’ve got quilts, a bit of wisdom and experience of a life well-lived? I have family, friends, a huge cup of coffee, a quilt, a book and a comfy home.  Life is wonderful

free Valentine's Quilt Table Topper
Valentine’s Gift to You from The Quilt Ladies
Red table topper quilt pattern made with squares, from The Quilt Ladies
Another Free Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

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