I love saying that, “All about me” over the years that’s not happened much in my life. I think with age….and taking a bit of time. I’ve learned what I need, want and NOW is the TIME.

I always felt The Quilt Ladies site was my retreat. Husband worked hours and hours a week and the site was all I felt I had. BUT…Now, I’m writing, sewing, reading, painting, decorating (almost 4 years here, time for changes) and still quilting, but that too has taken a bit of a change. Lots of color and hand work.

Daughter-n-law #1 is a graphic designer and I asked and she helped me with my new logo: So many ideas, I love them all. Here’s Rita’s Etsy Site Flourish Files & Design, ask and she CAN do it. 



“What I’m a doing” WAS to be my site name, but from the time I checked, to the time of purchase the name was GONE. And that’s just fine. I love  Things always happen for the best. With me it’s the just letting it happen, not a strong suit of mine. But I have done this by myself and for myself. “I” did this site for ME. Music to my ears.Here’s some FYI things.
The first quilt pattern of the month block is HERE the four by four inch quilt blocks
The ten by ten inch quilt block is HERE and HERE 
My Book is HERE for YOU always, The Quilt Ladies NOW ONLY on Kindle and NOOK
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop HERE for YOU
THANK YOU for your support and HERE we I GO ! Newsletter sign up and post sign up on the right side bar. 

Beth Ann

Beth Ann Doing Home Page


My Weight Watchers Tortilla Soup with Chicken

It was JUST yesterday they fit??

Here is Florida I’m in shorts and flip-flops pretty much year around. If I need a sweater it’s not for long and I really like that. UNTIL, yesterday and that pair of shorts I have had for six months is a little TIGHT. Yeah, the dryer didn’t do that, my favorite go to…need a few pounds off recipe.

My Weight Watchers Tortilla Soup with Chicken

This is based on Weight Watchers 0 Point Tortilla Soup. But, I need meat in mine, I need the protein it keeps me moving a bit longer. 

3 chicken breast,  in a pot with about 6 cups of water.
add 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper. Cook until the chicken is done, remove skin/bones. I do it this way, I can control the fat. 
Or use 4 cups of Can Chicken Bone Broth
if you can find it, just a better flavor
tortilla soup chicken dicedPull chicken out and shred.
cooking onions and celery1 cup Chopped Onions Chopped
2 Garlic Cloves
3 Green Onions Chopped
 3-4 stalks of Celery Chopped
1/2 a Green Pepper
1/3 Cup Fresh Cilantro
Spray pan with spray oil.
Cook  in soup pan, make everything tender 10-15 minutes
Pour Chicken broth through a strainer and back into pot.(if homemade)
  Add Shredded Chicken
 Add the rest of the ingredients to the broth
2 – 12oz cans of Diced Tomatoes
1/2 cup Salsa, we like hot, use what you like
1 can Whole Corn – Or fresh off the cob, the best
1/2 teaspoon Cumin
1/2 teaspoon Chili Powder
1/2 teaspoon basil
pot of Weight Watchers Tortilla SoupSimmer and let cook down.
Serve with Sour Cream (I use Greek yogurt)
And taco chips
  • When you have leftovers after the holidays or party, make this soup, you can add anything to it and it’s wonderful.
  • Try adding fresh spinach, cut up add in about 5 minutes before serving.
  • You can use any meat, shred turkey, shred roast beef or pork, if you use another meat or don’t want to do your own chicken stock, use 4 cups of Chicken Broth
  • This is a make it your own soup.
  • We eat this year round, mostly I think because it’s a great solo-lunch for me.
  • It’s very good without meat, it will be a 0 Point meal with no meat.
  • Beth Ann

    The Quilt Ladies NOW on Kindle and NOOK

    The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop HERE for YOU

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    Beth Ann Doing Home Page


Getting OLD is hard, BUT I’m Making a List – Part One

getting old with a bit of graceMy Mom lives VERY close to me here, it had been the plan. She is moving into a new stage of aging and I don’t like what I see. And, OK before you all get all high and mighty, yes I love her, but I have to say a couple of things. So….please don’t email me all about HOW great it all was with your XVZ… Because, REALLY it’s NOT all sunshine and roses. Plus, that’s the reason you’ve not heard anything about her for YEARS. It’s NOW my turn. 

And maybe it’s not Mom I’m thinking about, maybe it’s myself and HOW I want this to all go down when I’m her age.

Mom’s 88 years old and my Dad passed in 1997. So being alone in not new to her or helping her is not new to me. But it is VERY stressful. Mom has never been a glass half full person. I have gotten services started and with their help, a prayer and maybe a little luck I can get through this. Husband and I left the other day and he said rubbing my back, “I think your angel winds are just about ready to pop.”

But, can “I” do that, can I turn my life, my CONTROL over to another? I really don’t think I can, but I also know I will HAVE to. So, as with everything I’ve started a list. Nothing in the world can make me happier than a list. That…plus writing here, to the blank unseen. What I see her need or do, what I want different and why. Every little thing I see is written down.

  1. MOVE to the kids: Husband keeps saying, “When we get older.” well, yes but how old? I’m going to need a support system not just the kids and grands.  I need friends, church, a bit of a social life and how long do you wait to go start that process all over again?
  2. ALWAYS tell the TRUTH: health issues suck, I know they suck, but if you have burning when you potty, UTI, tell me and we will get drugs to help you.
  3. LAUGH, out loud and strong: Yes, it’s all serious, but we all know going into live, we are going to die in the long run. And baby….I want mine to be a party.

I’m going to let that be… for today I’m heading for a cup of coffee and hopefully a little nap, then the fun can start again.  Bless us all, PLEASE only Kindness in comments.

Beth Ann

The Quilt Ladies NOW on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop HERE for YOU

AND IF YOU WANT to FOLLOW ALONG with ME, please sign up

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I LOVE Comments, Please be KIND, I’m hard enough on myself

Starting NEW

Last year at this time I was all done in…Completely exhausted and all I could think of to help me get stronger was to close out The Quilt Ladies Store.

BIG, BIG mistake, about 3 month of that, I was going a bit crazy with nothing to focus my time and mind on. To say the least I missed every bit of the site, the store and all of you. SO after doing some research and figuring out what I need to do for me, here I go.

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern shop is on Etsy and if you have my patterns, you know they are priced very reasonable and are complete quilt patterns and quilt blocks with all cutting and sewing instructions.

The Quilt Ladies Books are still on KINDLE and NOOK, see the links on the side right or just click above. 

I’ve moved over to WordPress mostly to make everything just a bit more mine. Here you own everything, so I’m going to TRY and jump in with both feet. I THiNK ??   

I wanted to keep just….because?? You will see things from that site here. And…Well, truthfully I just don’t think I could move the site over by myself. 

I decided I just needed to start New !

Everything NEW will be here,   please bookmark me, sign up and stop over all the time. 

I’ve figured out the newsletter thing… I will NOT overwhelm you with anything,  sign up….please, I promise to send out only really good things. Probably quilt patterns and ideas, I’m still in the, “What do you want to see?” just let me know in comments. 

So….Here I go, I hope to do this well and I love to hear from you, it’s always nice to know you are with me, ONLY is Kindness, that has not changed.  Sign up for my newsletter.  If you’d like notice of new posts, that sign up is on the right side bar. (couldn’t figure out how to move it over here into the post???)

AND as always, THANK  YOU

Beth Ann

The Quilt Ladies NOW on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop HERE for YOU

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Beth Ann Doing Home Page

I’m Starting on an NEW Adventure

Hope you see this, this is probably the first in MANY test POSTS, I will be deleting and changing for a bit here to come ! 
Hope it makes it to the site, Facebook, Pinterest, Tweeter??

The Quilt Ladies on KINDLE

The Quilt Ladies on NOOK

Finger’s Crossed
Let the FUN begin ! 



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I love comments, please be KIND, I’m already too hard on myself:

Seeing If I can do this??

This is an experiment to see if I can do this, and so far, so good.

I think I can, I can??

I’m going to share a set of Six inch by Six inch quilt blocks over the month of December, these are some of my favorite quilt block patterns and also one of the first pattern sets.
Tutorial how to make a quilt block by the quilt ladies

Cut 2 Color 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut 2 Background 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles

Cut 1 Color Center 2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Cut 4 Background 2 1/2” x 2 1/2”

Sew as shown how to make a quilt blockTutorial how to make a quilt block by the quilt ladiesThis is my finished quilDecember Quilt Patterns of the Month tutorialCheck out MY Quilt Ladies Book and 

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Shop

The Quilt Ladies NOW on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Store Logo