Thinking about retirement or already retired? Here are my tips to find fun, excitement, and joy in your days. It took us 40 years to achieve our retirement goal, and I see people struggling every day to find happiness in their every day retirement. In print or Kindle and NOW on Amazon Prime
When Husband and I tell people we retired early, reaching ages 57 and 55, they ask, “What do you do all day?”, very rarely do they ask, “How do you afford it?”
Before retirement, you plan financially and set a retirement date, but we don’t take time to figure out what we want to do for 20-30 years of our retirement. It’s been ten years now and we’ve seen that everyone assumes you magically know how to retire, but the truth is that you don’t.
There are just four things you need to expect in retirement:
1. We are all going to die 2. Stop fearing change. 3 .Stop living in the past. 4. Be easy on yourself These four things may not need to be said, but please think about them. #1 is one that can help you get up, get started and do what you want. #2 is fearing change, you will and need to change. #3 past is the past let it go. #4 take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.
Here in my book, laugh, read and find your passions by staying connected, keeping your mind active, embracing slow living, and finding your community can help you thrive in retirement.
But ultimately, the key to surviving retirement with joy is to find what works for you and your unique situation. Whether it’s quilting, travel, volunteering, family or something entirely different, find what brings you happiness and purpose, and go for it!
Today, lets talk about quilt fabric One of the best things about quilting is the Wonderful Fabric.
Basic Sewing Supplies Sewing Machine 100% Cotton Fabric
Fabric Scissors
Seam Ripper
Sewing Needles
Quilting Pins
Rotary Cutter and Mat
Freezer Paper
FABRIC ! ! THIS IS THE WAY I Do Fabric, this is MY Way.
Purchasing fabric is fun, please, always buy the best fabric you can afford and what you like. For quilts you will use 100% cotton fabric. Fabric will cost between $6 and $17 per yard. If you are just purchasing for a maybe project, I do most cuts 1 to 2 yards. If you have a quilt pattern, follow the recommendations, but as I say in my books, “Please think of purchasing more fabric than needed, as a pattern designer I have no idea how you will cut and use your fabric.” One way to pick fabrics I recommend for a new quilter to purchase charm packs, these are pre-cut 2 1/2 inch or 5 inch packs. (They go larger but start with these sizes and DO NOT WASH)
Purchased cotton yardage, wash, dry and iron your fabric before starting any project. Please think of purchasing more fabric than needed, a pattern designer has no idea how you will cut and use your fabric. From My Quilt Ladies Site HOW to Pick Fabrics
When talking about fabric it always brings up the conversation of washing fabric. Here is what I do,
I wash and dry all my fabric BEFORE sewing cutting and piecing a quilt. You only have to pull out one finished quilt from the washer and see bleeding to know you must/should wash all fabric.
Cotton fabrics bleeding means, the dyes used on the fabric will become loose when washing. It’s said that it’s common is cottons, but all fabrics can bleed. Dyes will/can stain other fabrics in a prewashing, the biggest problem is the dye transfer after a quilt is finished.
When cotton fabric is made it is stretched on a loom, pulling the fibers straight. A stabilizer is applied to keep fabric straight and that is what you are washing off. Washing allows the fabric to relax and return to a more natural state. A dryer lets the fabric relax or shrink. All cotton fabrics are different you cannot know the amount any fabric will shrink.
Knowing a cotton fabric will not bleed and not shrink is worth a bit of time for the perfect quilt in the end.
When prewashing quilt fabric, I use my daily machine washer detergent, the same type that will be used when the complete quilt is washed. Same with the dryer, use the setting that will be used when the quilt is completed.
With 100% cotton fabric after washing and drying you will need to clip away all the threads that have twisted. If fabric is wrinkles you can shake it to smooth out more wrinkles, or press the fabric with a dry iron.
It’s a habit for me to wash/dry as soon as I purchase fabric. You will develop YOUR way of caring for your quilt fabrics.
When using/cutting the fabric I will press and starch it BEFORE any cutting and square up the fabric so that all cuts with a rotary cutter are straight. I use what I use for clothing as my starch just plain old Niagara brand, it makes it just a bit stiff and will washed very easily.
All this being said, “I do not EVER wash contest quilt fabric before sewing, or quilting the quilt.” That is just me, you do YOU !
We all have one or two items that become a beautiful heirloom from a loved. It’s something we’ve received as a gift or has been handed down.
This quilt is my empowerment. This quilt started me on a ride that I’ve been on for over 40 years, quilting. So today, I’m share my FAVORITE quilt !
My Great-Great Grandmother’s Quilt This quilt was a gift to my mother from her Great Grandmother. And then a Gift to me from My Mother.
Making it my, GREAT-GREAT Grandmother’s Gift to ME !Well…That’s how I like to look at it. I never met her and my mom only remembers helping with the peddle sewing machine. I use this quilt and love sleeping under it. It goes in the washer and now living here in Florida and not having a clothes line it does go it the dryer….Yes… it bothers me too, but…. the colors are still very bright.
These carry more than just aesthetic value, they carry a story, a memory, and a treasure that is truly priceless. For me, it’s my grandma’s pearls. I wear them on special occasions to this day. This is her (Grandma Glade) on the left in the picture, with my Mom and is on the cover of my, The Quilt Ladies Book.
My grandma was a fashionable lady, from furs or jewerly. She loved to accessorize her outfits and her favorite was a strand of pearls. Pretty sure they were a gift to herself, but I have not way to knowing that. Remember to cherish the things that really matter.
Meet Beth Ann: Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books
Funny thing is…it WORKED ! Sleep sometimes is a very hard thing to come by for me. A few nights about I raided my closet and pulled this quilt out. With the air conditioner running, a quilt and was asleep in no time, it’s my chair.
It was Husband’s old fish pattern quilt, which I made YEARS ago.
The cottons so soft from all the washing it’s almost like silk, with it’s rag binding and just the right amount of love, I made to through some very LONG nights.
Together me and a fish quilt. I know this pattern is on the quilt ladies, I will post it !
Thank you for stopping and for all your love and support.
At NO Additional cost to you Disclaimer, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase
See all Beth’s Books Quilting and MORE On Kindle and In Print My Etsy Quilt Pattern Shop
It’s all about different in this quilt block and it’s perfect to use up those quilt scraps of fabric you have. I like the scrappiness of fabric prints.
This quilt block has a finished size of 12″ x 12″
Cut 20 Assorted Colors – 1 ½” x 2 ½” Cut 16 White – 1 ½” x 2 ½” Make 4 units as shown
Sew 2, sew one on left and one on right
Cut 4 Pink – 3 ½” x 3 ½” Sew to the unit as shown
Sew to the top and bottom of the block
Thank you for stopping and for all your love and support.
At NO Additional cost to you Disclaimer, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase See all Beth’s Books Quilting and MORE On Kindle and In Print My Etsy Quilt Pattern Shop
Learn to Make a Square, Triangle and Quarter Square Triangle Quilt Block
I always tell new quilters, “Learn to make a 4-patch quilt block and you can do anything in quilting. It all starts with a square.” Add learning a triangle and you are on your way to becoming a Quilter.
Both my square and triangle tutorials are here for you.
How to Make a 4-Patch quilt block.
Square Cut 2 squares the same size (finished size of square plus 1/2 inch) example cut 2 ½ x 2 Good to good Fabric ¼ inch seam allowance, sew Trim threads Open and Press to the dark
1)sew seam with a 1/4 inch seam allowance,
you may need to mark your machine with this measurement.
2) You can chain piece a few at a time
Cut thread and open your two squares sewn together
3)sew these two units together
Watch your color placement, sew good side of fabric to good side of fabric.
4) A 4-patch quilt square
How to make a Triangle and a Quarter Square Triangle Block. There are many ways to do these, this is the way ‘I” do them.
Sew Good to good fabric, with a pencil draw a line corner to corner, this is
The line you measure your ¼” seam allowance from
Sew from edge to edge use a ¼” seam
Cut in half on the pencil line, trim threads
Open and press to the dark fabric,
There will be 2 blocks
Quarter Square Triangle
Cut 2 squares, 1 each color – your squares need to be cut 1 ¼” larger than the finished size you need, example you need a 4” finished square cut square 5 ¼” x 5 ¼” On lightest color on the back, pencil mark from corner to corner. Sew ¼” from the line, on each side of the line. With scissors cut on each of the center line, open up, now move the match colors, draw a line corner to corner, pin and sew as before, you will have 2 blocks.
For Future Information here is all the cutting sizes which are used the most
Thank you for stopping and for all your love and support.
At NO Additional cost to you Disclaimer, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase
See all Beth’s Books Quilting and MORE On Kindle and In Print My Etsy Quilt Pattern Shop
This may seem a bit strange, but I love the colors in this dress, it’s from a Vogue magazine probably 6-8 years ago, (LOVE IT) and it’s how I picked the colors for my quilt Pattern Book.
I do have to say that after all these many years, I don’t over think color anymore. I have used some real dog of fabrics and when it’s all together…the quilt seems to work on it’s own.
The Quilt Ladies Wedding Quilt is made up of Twelve, 12” x 12” quilt blocks, each quilt block has stems and applique leaves in each corner. The outside border continues the pieced leaves, applique stems and leaves. Each quilt block is bordered so that quilting can to added with loads of space. This quilt has a finished size of 93” x 78”
Hankie Quilt Pattern – IN PRINT and on KINDLE This Quilt is PERFECT for your Recliner Quilt OR just a Quilt !
NO Hankies, NO Problem just use fabric cut to size 8-inch quilt center 16” x 16” finished quilt size 49”x 68” 10-inch quilt center 18” x 18” finished quilt size 53”x74” 12-inch quilt center 20” x 20” finished quilt size 57” x 80” 14-inch quilt center 22” x 22” finished quilt size 61” x 86” 16-inch quilt center 24” x 24” finished quilt size 65” x 92”
Finished Quilt Size 61” X 61” – Quilt is shown in a complete pink quilt and a blue quilt. Quilt pattern has complete cutting and piecing instructions. A Getting Started in quilting section and How to do Quilt Binding Section
I love barn quilts…..BUT, I don’t have a BARN, So I’ve designed quilt pattern blocks inspired by barn quilts. All Cutting and Piecing instructions are included. Also, how to piece, squares, triangles and flying geese quilt blocks.
Golden Eye Quilt Pattern is broken down for you into simple units. All straight-line piecing, all cutting instructions included, finished block measures 17” x 17”. Make four of Golden Eye quilt blocks and have the quilt shown on the cover, it measures at 34” x 34”, a perfect cuddle quilt, lap quilt or baby quilt.
Golden Eye Quilt Block
Quilt Stars in Many Colors
From My Etsy Quilt Pattern Shop Downloads in Moments
Quilt Stars of Many Colors – from The Quilt Ladies
Two Complete quilt patterns in this one book, one quilt is featured in red, green with white background. Other is in darker colors with a gray background. Each Quilt has a finished size of 54” x 58” and 12 quilt blocks, measuring 8” x 8”. Quilt patterns are shared in both light and dark colors. A border checkered border and pieced sashing to set the quilt blocks off. Quilt Stars quilt patterns can be used in many ways, let your imagination go wild.
You can only do what you remember to do and learning over the years I have to write it ! Here is my NEW fillable 12 Month Calendar for you.
This calendar book is 7×10 Inches and has space for fill in dates, room to add to each months remember section. 56 pages, 4 pages per Month
A Big Brown and Pink Quilt Pattern Book
This quilt is a KING size quilt pattern with a finished size
of 98″ x 114″. The quilt pattern has 16 pieced quilt blocks
all with the size of 14″ x 14″. You can make fewer quilt blocks and make it just the ideal size you want. NOW ON ETSY –
Square Perfect a Quilt Pattern in Red, White and Blue, but only if you want it to be, you can use any three colors It’s a holiday of colors no matter what colors.
Complete cutting and piecing instructions are given. Square Perfect makes a finished quilt that measures, 108″ x 98″ a Perfect KING size quilt. Instructions to make each row and a complete how to make each square design as shown in the pictures.
Log Cabin Fun a Quilt Pattern Book is taking a traditional log cabin quilt pattern having fun with color and pattern. You can use all the scraps in your quilt fabric or purchase all new. Complete cutting and piecing instructions are given, with full color quilt block photos.
12 – 8-inch by 8-inch quilt patterns to use as they are, or with instructions included, change them into 12- 12-inch by 12-inch quilt blocks.
A Tree of Many Colors and a tree of many triangles.
Edison Tree Quilt Pattern uses four quilt blocks, each measuring sixteen inches by sixteen inches. Complete cutting and piecing instructions are given. Edison Tree makes a finished quilt that measures, 38″ x 38″, added border sizes given too for a 40″ and 42″ finished quilt. Instructions are given in units, complete how to for make each unit, as shown.
Want to give the PERFECT gift for a new baby or as a lap quilt for someone special. EVERYONE will LOVE this quilt and that you made it for them….wondrous.
Why so Special? It’s the THIRTEEN quilt blocks, each has a finished size of four inch by four inch. All the piecing of the quilt blocks are straight line, with complete cutting and sewing instructions included. The finished size of the quilt is thirty inches by thirty inches.
Two complete Blank Fillable12 Month Calendar sets, featuring a monthly 2-page calendars BLANK with sections for your lists, birthdays etc. Calendars 2023, 2024, for you to use to fill in YOUR calendar as you like, also and is 2025, 2026, just in case.
This calendar book is 7×10 Inches and has space for fill in dates, room to add to each months remember section. 115 pages, 4 pages per Month.
Anxiety has always been with me and it’s taken me years to get myself to a place that “I” can move forward and be myself. My journey started in 2018 and for over a year I did only these things to help myself:
1. Put my care and self first
2. Eat Right
3. Sleep 7-8 hours
4. Daily walk, swim or exercise
5. Lose myself in ALL projects. The Anxiety of Anxiety – Read more, my Book is in PRINT And NOW an eBook
Slip under this quilt, a cup of hot chocolate, a book to read, a moment of family curled up to enjoy the holiday. That’s what you will give yourself and family in this HOLIDAY quilt. You will become the maker of an all-time favorite at your house. Perfect for a holiday snuggle on the couch or made in any colors for day to day cuddles. Holiday Quilt Pattern features TWELVE – Twelve by Twelve Inches quilt pattern blocks and they are made into a 62″ x 78″ quilt.
Quilt shown in traditional red and green, but this quilt would be wonderful with a dark blue background, white and yellow blocks, let yourself have fun.
This quilt pattern is “The Ladies” they are The Quilt Ladies. They quilt every Tuesday together and after years of doing that, they’ve decided to do a quilt pattern book. So “The Ladies” was born, a quilt block sampler pattern book with 68 – Eight by Eight Inch quilt pattern blocks. All straight pieced, all cutting and piecing instructions included. It was decided that the Eight inch by Eight inch size would be a perfect size for the blocks not too small and not too large.
Come make a quilt or a block or two with The Quilt Ladies in their book, “The Ladies” The finished quilt measures 76″ x 84″ How to put the quilt together, cutting piecing instructions and quilt binding section too!
68 – 8 inch by 8 inch Quilt Block Patterns. Full Color PHOTO’s of Each Pattern and all how to.Still at my Etsy Shop for YOU to Download
I have one Grandson who is just his own person (from birth), has his own ideas and his VERY own way of doing everything. He’s never a stranger, never worries about much and has a heart for kindness to all. So, when he asked for a birthday quilt, this is what I came up with, he’s our Crazy Man. The “Crazy” part of this quilt is the background fabric, it’s bold, it’s yellow and it’s what makes the blocks a “Crazy Man” quilt.
12 blocks each block 8″ x 8″ complete instructions how to put the quilt together finished size is 48″ x 60″ Instructions on how to do quilt binding included too.
I have taken a Bear Paw pattern and redesigned it Sixteen different quilt blocks, each with a finished size of fourteen by fourteen inches. The quilt will be 88” x 84” finished size. Patterns can be used as shown or put together in many different combinations.
Complete quilt pattern blocks, all cutting and piecing instructions and how to put the quilt together section. Quilt binding section included too. Sixteen, fourteen by fourteen inch Quilt Block Patterns. Full Color PHOTO’s of Each Pattern and complete cutting and Piecing Instructions.
Nothing makes a quilter happier than a beautiful quilt and we seem to NEVER have enough quilt patterns and this book has them in an assortment of sizes. From a beginner to an advanced quilter, these quilt blocks are time tested. The quilt featured in the book has a finished size of 54” wide and 74” long. A Getting Started section and how to do Quilt Binding section is also in the book. Quilt blocks are all different size, patterns can be used in all your quilting needs. NOW in PRINT and eBook too !
Now in PRINT Husband and Iretired early, he was 57, and I was 55. Most people hear us say our ages and they ask, “What do you do all day?” VERY, very rarely do they ask, “How do you afford it?” This book has NO money talk, it’s all about happiness. Now in Print and eBook ! !
To me that is hilarious: before retirement you plan financially, you plan the date, but you don’t take time to figure out what you want to do for 20-30 years of retirement. I have seen it now for five years. How to Survive Retirement
PLEASE retire happy! “If you are unhappy….us other old people don’t want to be around you.”
A simple Friendship pattern is taken in a new direction, from its basic form turns into a fun and wonderful. Each block has a finished size of Twelve-by-Twelve Inchesand you have a total of Twelve patterns.
The finished quilt uses all the patterns and is 54″ x 76″ when finished.
Step by step cutting directions, a getting started section on how to make squares, triangle, quarter squares and adding triangles to corner units. And just added a how to bind your quilt section.
Start with a simple log cabin and turn it upside down.
This quilt pattern is all straight piecing and my quilt pattern has all cutting and piecing instructions. Each quilt block has a finished size of eleven inches by eleven inches, you will need four quilt blocks to make the quilt as shown, making the finished size of the quilt twenty-nine inches by twenty-nine inches. Extra quilt block patterns are given so you can color them in and move color before cutting fabric. ADDED Bonus in The Print Book is Over Thinking a Quilt Block Pattern, 10 Quilt Block Pattern and three quilt patterns, all cutting and piecing instructions included.
I pretty much dream quilt blocks…I love moving around pieces and changing each quilt block with small pattern changes or fabric colors. These quilt blocks came about from my small quilt groups challenge of taking the same quilt center and we each do a quilt block and see what we come up with. I designed twenty-eight quilt blocks…and made the ones here… I pretty much turned the group sideways, as they weren’t that receptive… You know a quilt group, follow the rules, didn’t hear any rules…but that’s OK, here they are for YOU ! Each quilt block has a finished size of 12” x 12”
I am working to get more of my titles in PRINT, thank you all so MUCH for your support
This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.
When a boy meets a girl… And 45 years later… it’s a life of joy, laughter, fun and family. I am blessed with his love. It’s been a fantastic ride in a GORGEOUS WORLD. It seems like yesterday. Wedding Quilt StoryWedding Quilt Book
We were introduced to each other on a blind date. The first Rocky movie and a pizza. It seems we have been together ever since. Two boys, two daughter-in-laws and those four wonderful Grands.
We are pretty much together 24/7 and it’s alright with me. All those years of his career always being first, it’s pretty special to be first now. There is no one else I would EVER laugh with SO MUCH ! We can do ANYTHING with laughter !
Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish her quilt books and quilt patterns,
At NO Additional cost to you Disclaimer, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase. These few cents help with my fabric collection and or obsession. Beth Ann and as always, Thank you for making my dream a reality ! !
The Wedding Quilt is my wedding quilt pattern, it’s my Dream Quilt. At the time of our wedding I made all my clothes and had not even thought of making quilts. But after the boys arrived, Husbands job moved us all around and being alone with little ones I found quilting.
Writing The Quilt Ladies books I had one of the Ladies getting married, it was time for MY dream a wedding quilt pattern and that became a Wedding quilt to be designed and made by me. Our wedding colors were Red and White, so this quilt had to be red and white.
I wanted this/my quilt to be both pieced and applique. At the time of making it I needed a hand applique project to take with me. Sewing all the units as in the quilt pattern and taking the leave blocks along in my bag, hand work as always with me. Included in the quilt pattern is hand appliques instructions, I needle turn my applique and how to use fusible web as your way to add leaves.
The hope had been to hand quilt this quilt top, that didn’t happen, life became complicated and this quilt was long arm quilted. It’s VERY nice, BUT in my heart of hearts…it should be hand quilted by me…just saying.
But, I still sleep under it just perfect and love everything about it.
The Quilt Ladies Wedding Quilt is made up of Twelve, 12” x 12” quilt blocks, each quilt block has stems and applique leaves in each corner. The outside border continues the pieced leaves, applique stems and leaves. Each quilt block is bordered so that quilting can to added with loads of space. This quilt has a finished size of 93” x 78”
If you would like the Complete Quilt Ladies Stories – The Quilt Ladies Book Collection, this quilt is in the book, it is in Print and on Kindle (Only because of the 450 page printing costs) Wink, wink ! That’s the whole love, hate thing I have with Amazon…NOW that’s another story.
At NO Additional cost to you Disclaimer, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase. These few cents help with my fabric collection and or obsession. Beth Ann and as always, Thank you for making my dream a reality ! !
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