Wordless Wednesday A Basket Quilt
The Quilt Ladies
The Quilt Ladies And Beth Ann Doing Together
The Quilt Ladies
With The Quilt Ladies
It’s that time of year again and I’m going to share some of the things all Quilters need and some that we/I want !
I have added links, I receive a bit if you click and purchase. And if not, that’s OK too !
I thought, BEFORE I got a wool pressing mat, that they wouldn’t change anything…well….I was wrong. I love mine, it’s on my ironing table and I use it all the time.
Quilt Batting is ALWAYS a NEED
The Quilt Ladies Recommends
As a quilter we all hear this ALL the time. What I have found out over the years, I enjoy good quilt products. Here I am going to share what I have found or just for the quilter who has EVERYTHING !
I do get a few cents if you click and purchase, and if not, that’s just fine too! A Sewing Table