It’s My Quilt Pattern Love Knot NOW in Print

NOW in Print !

My Quilt Pattern Love Knot is NOW in Print and it’s on Prime too !
I have also added the eBook if you’d like to add it to your digital library

Love Knot and Over Thinking a Quilt Block Pattern Here for YOU !

Love Knot Quilt Pattern and Over Thinking a Quilt Block

This quilt pattern is all straight piecing and my quilt pattern has all cutting and piecing instructions. Each quilt block has a finished size of eleven inches by eleven inches, you will need four quilt blocks to make the quilt as shown, making the finished size of the quilt twenty-nine inches by twenty-nine inches. Extra quilt block patterns are given so you can color them in and move color before cutting fabric.

Page Example

Love Knot Page example

over thinking a quilt block pattern

beth ann of

Meet Beth Ann:
I’m a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish my quilt books and quilt patterns, with that I became a solo-business owner, Strubbie House Publishing. I’m taking my quilts and making a dream into a reality. I love quilts, painting, art, reading, furniture, decorating and The Quilt Ladies, they have changed my life.   Type in Beth Ann Strub on Amazon and See everything I have there, eBooks and Quilt Patterns.
The Anxiety to Anxiety
How to Survive Retirement
and The Quilt Ladies COMPLETE Collection in Print

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOUThe Quilt Ladies and Beth AnnThis post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.
#quilt #quilting #thequiltladies #patchwork #bethanndoing #quilts #needlework

Little BUT Mighty Quilt Block Pattern

From The Quilt Ladies

Happy  4th of JULY

TODAY, it’s a LITTLE quilt pattern block for you to make. This little quilt block has a finished size of two inches by two inches. I use a 1/4″ seam allowance, sew the seam and then trim down to about an 1/8″ seam allowance and press, as you would with a larger quilt block.  SEE all my quilt patterns HERE 

Making a little quilt pattern

1 Dark            1 7/8” X 1 7/8”
1 White          1 7/8” X 1 7/8”
Make largest triangles

 making a little quilt pattern

2 Medium      1 3/8″ X 1 3/8″
2 White          1 3/8″ X 1 3/8″
Make smaller triangle

2 White          1″ X 1″
2 Light            1″ X 1″

beth of beth ann doingThe Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

See all My Books in Print
and Downloadable:

The Quilt Ladies Print and eBook
How to Survive Retirement Print and eBook
Anxiety of Anxiety Print and eBook
The Ladies Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
B. Annie Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
53 Quilt Block Patterns Quilt Print and at Etsy
A Holiday Quilt Print and at Etsy
One Quilt Block Twelve Ways Print and at Etsy
Crazy Man Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy

My Quilt Ladies Book NOW in PRINT

A Holiday Quilt – Time to Start

In Print and Downloadable

Sounds crazy, not even having a summer holiday YET, but if there is A Holiday Quilt to be made, it’s time to start ! Here is my A Holiday Quilt Pattern and I am thrilled to be able to say it’s Downloadable at my Etsy Shop and in PRINT on Amazon ! and NOW with PRIME ! !  

Holiday Quilt Pattern features TWELVE – Twelve by Twelve Inches quilt pattern blocks and they are made into a 62″ x 78″ quilt.

This quilt can be done in ANY colors ! How about a dark blue background, white and yellow blocks, let yourself have fun.  No matter the colors, it’s Holiday Quilt time. 

Holiday Quilt in PRINT
OR    Download at my Etsy Shop

A Holiday Quilt Pattern Book

Beth Ann Doing Logo

See all My Books in Print
and Downloadable:

The Quilt Ladies Print and eBook
How to Survive Retirement Print and eBook
Anxiety of Anxiety Print and eBook
The Ladies Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
B. Annie Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy
53 Quilt Block Patterns Quilt Print and at Etsy
A Holiday Quilt Print and at Etsy
One Quilt Block Twelve Ways Print and at Etsy
Crazy Man Quilt Pattern Print and at Etsy

The Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann

Meet  Beth Ann 
I’m a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish my quilt books and quilt patterns, with that I became a solo-business owner, Strubbie House Publishing. I’m taking my quilts and making a dream into a reality. I love quilts, painting, art, reading, furniture, decorating and The Quilt Ladies, they have changed my life.

Start Shopping for a Quilter HERE

With The Quilt Ladies

Gift for a Quilter

It’s that time of year again and I’m going to share some of the things all Quilters need and some that we/I want !
I have added links, I receive a bit if you click and purchase. And if not, that’s OK too ! 

This is the one all Quilter’s need, 96 pieces Rotary Cutter Kit, a Cutter, Tool Kit with Blades, cutting mat, patchwork ruler, everything is work in style. New rulers? New cutter?

This is the ONE for me, hint, hint Husband !

A new sewing machine is always a welcome gift, I have a Brother sewing machine, and have enjoyed it for over four years now. Look around and see what YOU like. I have the third one and I really like it. 

I thought, BEFORE I got a wool pressing mat, that they wouldn’t change anything…well….I was wrong. I love mine, it’s on my ironing table and I use it all the time. 

Quilt Batting is ALWAYS a NEED

I have NOT purchased fabric from amazon, but why NOT !

Beth from The Quilt Ladies

Read my book “The Quilt Ladies” 12 Quilt Stories and 15 Complete Quilt Patterns
Make Retirement fun with my “How to Survive Retirement” a Check List
#quilt #quilting #thequiltladies #patchwork #bethanndoing #quilts #needlework
A book READER, don’t forget MY BOOK, The Quilt Ladies 

Make a Quilt with Fun Products

The Quilt Ladies Recommends

Make me a quilt with The Quilt Ladies

As a quilter we all hear this ALL the time. What I have found out over the years, I enjoy good quilt products. Here I am going to share what I have found or just for the quilter who has EVERYTHING ! 
I do get a few cents if you click and purchase, and if not, that’s just fine too! A Sewing Table 

Make Going to a Quilt Class a bit easier

The Just BECAUSE’s

JUST for ME’s TOO ! 

Beth from The Quilt Ladies

Read my book “The Quilt Ladies” 12 Quilt Stories and 15 Complete Quilt Patterns
Make Retirement fun with my “How to Survive Retirement” a Check List
#quilt #quilting #thequiltladies #patchwork #bethanndoing #quilts #needlework