Yellow Rose by Beth Ann Strub

All About Me, it’s been months since I’ve been able to say those three words, “All about ME” has a GREAT ring to it.   I’m marking this as my year of Only HAPPY !   Writing yesterday made me VERY happy and I’m going to be doing a LOT more, “All about ME” 

We had a fantastic trip to Dallas for the holidays and being on planes, subways and walking, with sounds of people all around us was decidedly wonderful. The holiday inner spirit of family life and of total strangers who smile, laugh or just a head nod in unison. I heard conversations over coffee, the hand shake of friendship and that exhausted Mom who said, “Pappa, please take the baby for just a moment.” His smile, his hand of love for them both, the holiday in perfect motion. 

We are human, all blood, all one, please let us try to keep these moments, feelings and love inside for each other daily, weekly and forever. 

Then it happened…..REALITY. Getting on our return flight. Into my PAID for seat and a seat mate with man spread, arm rest pushy and sleeping on my shoulder and it wasn’t Husband…. Thank you Flight Attendant for the CLASSIC cart bump, and My Spirit was retrieved ! 


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The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU



I love saying that, “All about me” over the years that’s not happened much in my life. I think with age….and taking a bit of time. I’ve learned what I need, want and NOW is the TIME.

I always felt The Quilt Ladies site was my retreat. Husband worked hours and hours a week and the site was all I felt I had. BUT…Now, I’m writing, sewing, reading, painting, decorating (almost 4 years here, time for changes) and still quilting, but that too has taken a bit of a change. Lots of color and hand work.

Daughter-n-law #1 is a graphic designer and I asked and she helped me with my new logo: So many ideas, I love them all. Here’s Rita’s Etsy Site Flourish Files & Design, ask and she CAN do it. 



“What I’m a doing” WAS to be my site name, but from the time I checked, to the time of purchase the name was GONE. And that’s just fine. I love  Things always happen for the best. With me it’s the just letting it happen, not a strong suit of mine. But I have done this by myself and for myself. “I” did this site for ME. Music to my ears.Here’s some FYI things.
The first quilt pattern of the month block is HERE the four by four inch quilt blocks
The ten by ten inch quilt block is HERE and HERE 
My Book is HERE for YOU always, The Quilt Ladies NOW ONLY on Kindle and NOOK
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop HERE for YOU
THANK YOU for your support and HERE we I GO ! Newsletter sign up and post sign up on the right side bar. 

Beth Ann

Beth Ann Doing Home Page

