My Tortilla Soup Recipe

Well, here I go again, the pounds are coming back on?? I love it here in Florida, Husband’s home and so many things to do, BUT, I LOVE to go out to eat TOO !  I think I have shared  before… here I go again !
This is based on Weight Watchers 0 Point Tortilla Soup. But, I need meat in mine, I need the protein to keep me moving a bit longer.
3 chicken breast,  in a pot with about 6 cups of water.
add 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper. Cook until the chicken is done, remove skin/bones, shred or use 4 cups of Can Chicken Broth (easier)
Pull chicken out and shred.
1 cup Chopped Onions Chopped
2 Garlic Cloves
3 Green Onions Chopped
 3-4 stalks of Celery Chopped
1/2 a Green Pepper
1/3 Cup Fresh Cilantro
Spray pan with spray oil.
Cook  in soup pan, make everything tender 10-15 minutes
Pour Chicken broth through a strainer and back into pot.(if homemade)
 Add Shredded Chicken
Add the rest of the ingredients  to the broth
2 – 12oz cans of Diced Tomatoes
1/2 cup Salsa, we like hot, use what you like
1 can Whole Corn – Or fresh off the cob
1/2 teaspoon Cumin
1/2 teaspoon Chili Powder
1/2 teaspoon basil
Simmer and let cook down.
Serve with Sour Cream (I use Greek yogurt)
And taco chips
  • When you have leftovers after the holidays or party, make this soup, you can add anything to it and it’s wonderful.
  • Try adding fresh spinach, cut up add in about 5 minutes before serving.
  • You can use any meat, shred turkey, shred roast beef or pork, if you use another meat or don’t want to do your own chicken stock, use 4 cups of Chicken Broth
  • This is a make it your own soup.
  • We eat this year round, mostly I think because it’s a great solo-lunch for me.
  • It’s very good without meat, it will be a 0 Point meal with no meat.


  • A Fifty Three Quilt Patterns Book Quilt Block

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Write it Wednesday – Facts About Me

I missed last Wednesday….I was on a plane to Dallas and taking care of GRAND’s.  Nothing better  !  I started two weeks ago with fifteen facts about me, and didn’t get past number one, you can see it here. 

Fourteen Facts about me, I am

A Sister – I have a sister 9 years older, (she’s first born). I came nine years later (I am considered first born) and a brother (male, first born) ! Tells a lot about us. 

A Wife – I love this guy who decided to marry me. Husband is a keeper, he told me once, it will never be dull and it never has been.

A Mother – I have two grown boys

A Mother-n-Law – I adore my/our two daughter-n-laws

A Grandmother – Each boy gave me two – I have FOUR GRANDS

A Friend – I have friends for forty years, friends new today, friends who have come and gone

A Quilter – I love quilting. I made all my clothes all through school. I took up cross stitch after being married and quilting when the boys were little, so just over 38 years of quilting……

A Photographer – My newest hobby and I LOVE it. 

A Cook – Aren’t we all – Or don’t we just have to be?

A Writer – As you can see I am loving this part of me A LOT ! 

A Good Person – 

A Painter – My Dad was a house painter when I was growing up. I think it just stuck to me. I love to decorate and I’m back into watercolors and drawing again.

I am Funny – Nothing makes me happier than Laughter. Loud or soft. I love to laugh and I think it’s part of LOVING to TALK 

And Kind – I try hard to be kind, good and in the moment.

This is ME – Beth Ann

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Happy Mother’s Day to All

I love sharing my photo’s and today I’m giving myself a Mother’s Day treat.  I have been working on macro photography, (up close photo’s) it’s a little hard to do with a point and shot camera, my camera, but I’m fine with that. I guess it’s my form of macro?? Or close but not too close?  Happy Mother’s Day to ALL ! 

This is Lily….

Lily Photo by Beth Ann Strub

Nature Perfect…

Nature Perfect in peach color

Stop and Pose…

Stop and Pose butterfly photo

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Throwback Thursday – Ask Grandma’s for a Quilt

 This is a Throwback because this GRAND just turned Fourteen! One of the first quilt patterns I published, posting from 2011. 

One Quilt Block Made Twelve Ways – Complete Quilt Pattern

One quilt block made twelve different ways
Last year for the holiday’s I did three quilts for three of the Grands.
Well, the oldest did not receive one of the new quilts last year !  April at his birthday he asked for a quilt for Christmas.
 Quilt Fabric for a New Quilt So, I’ve collected fabrics and this is my starting off place.

Quilt Fabric for a Young Man's New QuiltAdding the Grandma fun !

Quilt Fabric for a New QuiltNo solid background for this one !


WRITE IT WEDNESDAY – Fifteen Facts about ME  (I only made it to the first one my list)

I’m a Daughter – I am a daughter…  I have had a couple of questions since my last Wednesday post and typing, I am a daughter, just opened up HUNDREDS of emotions. It’s been a long couple of months and seeing myself type, I am a Daughter….???

Beth Ann Strub (c)

My mom is 88 years old and recently fell, a week in the hospital and 4 weeks in rehab. I learned a lot about me… Funny it’s about me and not about her.   I have said for YEARS that, “I want to be a daughter.” Plain and simple, “A Daughter.” Not so plain and NEVER simple.

Mom would not come home with Husband and I, or into a home of some kind, she is in her home. I HAD to give up 100 percent of all control. And it’s been SO…..hard for me. (I’m the one who has a list of the lists I make) We have services and helpers etc. The conversation about a “help button” turned into me saying, “it’s that or assisted living”  but I’m still on a daily drive over and lots of phone calls.

In all this process my Mom has and will NEVER change. That’s my Mom, she was a 1960’s-70’s-80’s working woman and always put that first. (Looking back even over my father) I remember when my Grandmother moved it with us (my older sister married, she had been on call before that) and I then understood….time. They both gave me time.

It’s funny at my age, 59, when she doesn’t notice a new haircut or doesn’t acknowledge my work, (Ever…) I am upset and try to think somewhere inside her she has to gets it?? But, I really don’t think so. 

What I’ve learned, prayer and talking with God is my go to happiness. The saying, “I think I can” runs through my head when cleaning up a mess or accident (better than, “don’t throw up, don’t throw up”) and Husband letting me be 100 percent honest, when I just need to say things I feel in your heart, but they just don’t sound very good coming out of my mouth.

I am a Daughter – Well, I started in our 59th year of our relationship, but….I think I needed this…Write it Wednesday !  I will TRY the next 14 facts about me next?? Hopefully without as many emotions.

If you made it this far…thank you for letting me talk. This is what I need this site to be about…

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The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

WRITE IT WEDNESDAY, Let me Introduce Myself

I had planned on taking a writing class this past semester, but just didn’t make it with everything going on?? A couple of afternoon’s ago I put writing list in the search box of Pinterest and hundreds of lists came up, I noticed I kept clicking through to the ones from Most are on the daily bases and that’s just a bit much for me to do right now. But, I’m going to try and do this once a week….I’m going to try. I need to get a bit more structured in my day to day life.

from beth's desk writing wednesday

My Introduction: (I am doing new, not cut and pasted)

My name is Beth Ann, I am fifty-nine years old and living in central Florida, about 20 minutes for the white sandy beaches we all love and right on a golf course, that I have never played on, but it’s pretty. I was born and raised in Iowa and have lived in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and now in Florida, which I still can’t believe.

I have Husband, two boys, two daughter-n-laws and four Grands, whom all live an airplane ride away. We travel to them, a couple of times a year and I’ve made myself learn and USE text. I was home with the boys for years, working part-time at a library, the home office of a jewelry chain and then at a bank, Husband’s career took up to 10 different retail stores and banks are every place.

We live in a condo with all the things you think you will have when you move to Florida. I always explain to people moving to Florida is like going to college, no one is from here, and everyone has a story and just because people are retired doesn’t change their personalities to the good or bad. Once not nice, retiring will not make you nice.

Over seventeen years ago, I self-published by books, The Quilt Ladies Collection, each book on its own and sold at quilt shows. I added titles and quilts as I went. From all printed at home, to getting them printed in color by a printer to now all twelve titles available on Kindle and Nook, in one book. What a circle of events and how technology has changed everything. My printers cost was 5.95 for one book, sold for 8.95 and I now I sell all twelve for 9.99. It’s so crazy now it’s all changed. You see my tag line always and thank you for purchasing and supporting me through my book, The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

After I had the books done I was teaching and needed quilt patterns of my own to teach with. Little Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns were launched. I have since changed the name to The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop, just easier for me. The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop HERE for YOU

So, here I am, living in Florida, (I say again!) which I still can’t believe. Taking care of my Mom, Husband’s parents are here too and doing what I like and need to do daily. From this site here, and Facebook posts, to quilting, drawing, taking pictures, decorating and everything in between.

In a nut shell that’s me, Beth Ann, One Happy Lady !

The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

Well….Sometimes you just have to try AGAIN

I know I’m getting old, BUT a few weeks ago I posted some of my before and afters of flowers. WELL…. I forgot to post the before’s. And the really SAD thing about it is “I” didn’t even notice it…..I had to be told….OH MY… So, I’m going to TRY again, here is the before and after. Thank you noticing and thank you photo software.

Pink Rose Photo Before

Yellow rose photo
Yellow Rose by Beth Ann Strub

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The Quilt Ladies at Beth Ann Doing Quilt Pattern Shop

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About the Photo

Everyone is still sleep here and I’m not thinking real clear…yet? Coffee in hand and I’ve  been playing with photo’s. Isn’t if unbelievable how a simple photo can be changed into something pretty good.  The top one is just a white rose with pink edges. A little Photoshop and here is the AFTER,
Yellow rose photo
Yellow Rose by Beth Ann Strub


White Rose After Photo
White Rose Around by Beth Ann Strub
This is one that was from a Holiday shoot and I loved the idea, but not the picture, but now I LIKE.

Black and White Candles and Red Flowers

Candles and Red Flowers

I need to get moving, laundry (towels) are not going to do themselves?  Have a GREAT day.

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The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

The Quilt Ladies at Beth Ann Doing Quilt Pattern Shop

I met a Boy and We Married 39 years ago !

It’s been a ride, adventure and laughs !  It’s been hard, fun, presser driven and at time crazy. But, with time….a lot of time… 39 years, we have at figured out????
39 years of marriageSo YOUNG, so happy.  He gave me two sons and those boys gave two daughter-in-laws, and four grand boys. I am blessed.

at the Dallas Cowboys game

We are NOW ready for 39 more years !

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The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

The Quilt Ladies at Beth Ann Doing Quilt Pattern Shop