Make All my Monthly Quilt Patterns
It’s time for my May Quilt Pattern, the fifth quilt pattern of 2024.
My May Quilt as shown is 40″ x 40″ . Each of the baskets of flowers has a finished size of 14″ x 14″ May Quilt Pattern

April Quilt Pattern has a finished size of 46″ x 46″ and is shown is yellow, blue and white, but any colors will work perfect. It’s all about the white background. See April Quilt Pattern – HERE

Each quilt block is 8 inches by 8 inches, Finished quilt is 64 inches by 64 inches. March’s quilt pattern is broken into sections and you will be able to follow right along.
COMPLETE Cutting Instructions To you in Moments as PDF
March Quilt Pattern

February’s Quilt is made up of 16” x 16” quilt blocks. For the quilt as shown you will need 9 quilt blocks. The quilt is shown in red, white and gray, But you can use any three colors you like, or use up your scraps to highlight the solid white in the quilt block.
2 different quilt patterns are in the book, as shown with sashing and another without sashing. February Quilt Pattern

Make 16 quilt blocks and you have a quilt, also included is a complete get started and quilt binding section. COMPLETE Cutting Instructions
To you in Moments January Quilt Pattern

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book on Kindle and in Print, nothing is possible without your purchases, Thank you, Beth Ann
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