Bonnie Scotsman Quilt Block

One Quilt Block, So Many Ways

I want to show you how it can one quilt block and change it a bit and it will come together in a few different ways. Finished quilt block is four by four inches.  

This little quilt block has taken on a life of it’s own. It’s my number one on social media spots.
A Bonnie Scotsman quilt block. 

Bonnie Scotsman Quilt Block Pattern

Cut 1 White – 2 ½” x 2 ½”

Cut 2 White – 1 ½” x 1 ½”

Cut 2 Red – 1 ½” x 2 ½”

Cut 2 Yellow – 1 ½” x 3 ½”

Sew as Shown

Bonnie Scotsman Quilt Block Pattern

If you Make 12 Quilt Blocks below, 12″ x 16″quilt

Bonnie Scotsman Quilt Pattern Block

Make Four Quilt Blocks
Larger block to Center 8″ x 8″ block

 Bonnie Scotsman quilt block

Make Four Quilt Blocks
Larger block to Outside 8″ x 8″ quilt block

Bonnie Scotsman Quilt Block Pattern to Make


50 State Quilt Block Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

See all Beth Ann’s Quilt Books in Print and eBooks here
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop here
See all Beth Ann Doing and

Tired and Always Tired?!?

Making Always Tired a Good Thing?

Tired?  You know what tired means? It means you actually did something and I keep telling myself that. 
I Googled “tired” and it talked about running marathon, a brisk walk…I am talking about every OLD age bone hurting in my body, EVERY BONE.

And, let me be honest, I get good sleep.
You ever try to fall asleep when you’re well-rested? It’s awful. I just lie there, making sure the cable box light doesn’t go out, or making sure I planned the grain to go the right directions for the counter top project we are doing,  or did I shower tonight?

BUT tired when sleep hits me it’s  like a bear hug under my quilt. One minute I am thinking, “I should read” and the next, I wake up with  drool on your pillow.  Kind of Perfection.

Plus, I guess being old I can blame everything on being tired.
I put the milk in the pantry and my coffee cup in the fridge?
Accidentally call your Husband, “Mom”?
Yep, tired again.

 “And Yes, I ate the last four cookies, OF COURSE I DID, I was tired.”
See? Works every time.

So really, tired isn’t a bad thing???
Let the Library, office and sewing room remodel continue and YES, we put down the tile floor ourselves and YES it about KILLED me !
Just saying, “Good and Tired!”

Beth Ann and The Quilt Ladies
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop 
My Quilt Ladies Books and Quilt Patterns in Print and eBooks

Quilt Blocks and MORE Quilt Blocks

A Quilt Block Pattern for YOU to Make !

YES, my Quilt Pattern Book has 53 Quilt Block Patterns.

Quilters are always on the lookout for beautiful quilt patterns, and nothing brings more joy than creating a stunning quilt. It often feels like we can never have enough quilt designs to explore, and this book delivers 53. I have included the English Wedding Ring Quilt Block below, it’s in the book too!

53 Complete Quilt Block Patterns from The Quilt Ladies
A collection of quilt patterns in a variety of sizes to inspire your creativity. Whether you’re a beginner taking your first stitches or an advanced quilter seeking fresh ideas, these time-tested quilt blocks are sure to enhance your quilting journey.

53 quilt block pattern book from the quilt ladies

The featured quilt in this book measures 54 inches wide by 74 inches long when completed, offering a versatile size that works beautifully for many purposes. To help you along the way, the book includes a detailed “Getting Started” section, providing essential tips to set you up for success. Additionally, a comprehensive guide to quilt binding ensures that your finished projects have a polished and professional look.  53 Quilt Block Patterns is NOW on Amazon in Print and eBook and at my Etsy Shop too 

With quilt blocks in various sizes and designs, the patterns in this book are perfect for all your quilting needs—whether you’re making a cozy throw, a decorative wall hanging, or an heirloom gift. Let this collection spark your imagination and bring your quilting dreams to life!

This is “English Wedding Ring” Quilt Pattern for YOU from my quilt book

English Rose Quilt Pattern Block  
Finished Quilt Block Size
10” x 10”
Cut 6 Burgundy 2 7/8” x 27/8”
Cut 6 White    2 7/8” x 27/8”
Make Triangles
Cut 5 White    2 ½” x 2 ½”
Cut 4 Burgundy  2 ½” x 2 ½”
Cut 4 Gray       2 ½” x 2 ½”




It’s a tradition to share quilt patterns, but I can ONLY do this because you support my Etsy Shop and The Quilt Ladies on Amazon, nothing is possible without your purchase,
Thank you, Beth Ann

A Holiday Quilt Pattern

Holiday Quilt Block Pattern for YOU!

I am probably a bit early, but this year I can’t seem to stop thinking about the holidays!
I’m adding here  ONE of the quilt blocks from my quilt pattern book “A Holiday Quilt”

Finished quilt block is twelve by twelve inches, quilt block pattern below
Holiday Quilt Pattern Block

Read all about my book, A Holiday Quilt

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop PDF Downloads       

The Quilt Ladies Patterns in Print and eBooks

Cut 2 Sample quilt pattern from Holiday Quilt Book Green – 4 7/8” x 4 7/8”
Cut 2 White – 4 7/8” x 4 7/8”
Make Triangles

Cut 10 Red – 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut 10 White – 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles

Sew as shown


Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

See All The Quilt Ladies Books in Print and eBooks
See All The Quilt Ladies Books in Print and eBooks

Monthly Quilt Ladies August Quilt Patterns

August 2024 Quilt Pattern

Here is my August 2024 Quilt Pattern for you.

I have titled it Start Around the Corner Quilt. 

There are Two complete quilt patterns
one has a finished size of
40” x 40” and the larger is 76” x 76”

August Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

August 2024 Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

August 2024 Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and
my Quilt Ladies Book
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy
Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books

All Together at Last or Together at Last

Never say you can’t! It’s going to be hard and it’s going to be long (VERY LONG for me) But, we/I can do it. Now all together on one site. 

Moving The Quilt Ladies to

You can use either or
and you will get to my site here.
Etsy Shop is still linked and
my books on Amazon too.

This is making it a bit easier for me to keep up, it’s just me here!

Moving The Quilt Ladies over to You can use either, or


Birthday and February Quilt Pattern

February Quilt Pattern and Free Table Topper Quilt

With so much going on, I kind of missed my birthday… but I have reached the ripe old age of 66 and some days everything seems to hurt. My Florida swim body now feels a bit saggy, and I have learned a new morning routine of time to get everything moving again.
February Quilt Pattern table topper from The Quilt Ladies
I have been trying to have self-care be more than a bubble bath. Taking walks, laughing quilting, drawing, read or just being, whatever helps me find peace within yourself and relaxes your mind. 

Here is my February Quilt Pattern, shown in red, but any colors and white will work too. The Quilt Pattern is here At The Quilt Ladies Shop and in my book All in ONE Year Quilt Patterns

I have added one of my table topper quilt patterns for you to make too, pictured below

February Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

But, who needs a bikini body when you’ve got quilts, a bit of wisdom and experience of a life well-lived? I have family, friends, a huge cup of coffee, a quilt, a book and a comfy home.  Life is wonderful

free Valentine's Quilt Table Topper
Valentine’s Gift to You from The Quilt Ladies
Red table topper quilt pattern made with squares, from The Quilt Ladies
Another Free Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

January Quilt Pattern

Quilt Pattern to Make

We are in late January and I’m just getting things together. 2024 was to be my slow it down year…but it’s not working yet.  Husband has been having some health issues and I finished up a house project, kind of on my own. I will share it soon.

Here is my January Quilt Pattern, it’s on Etsy for you and if you would like the entire year of quilt patterns  in book form, it’s in All in One Year Quilt Patterns my book on Amazon

Now a bit of Business, Please read on:
I have decided to remove all Google and Amazon Marketing ads. It’s become a full-time job having them on my sites and the income doesn’t justify the time involved to keep doing it, plus it’s become over my head with how to?!?!?. I will be linking to my books ONLY on Amazon, and will receive only my author fee if you purchase, thank you all. If you see amazon missing ads…I’m working on removing them all but it may take a bit… it’s just me.

Here is a quilt table topper for you it’s Valentine Red, but you have make it as you like, Table Topper Quilt Pattern HERE for you ! 

Red and White Table topper quilt pattern


January quilt pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books

Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author
who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

IF you do want to sign up for notice of my posts, do that on the top right. I am stepping back from social media too, BUT will continue to post here, you are going to have to come to me…

Gifted Fabric, Made into a Large Log Cabin Quilt

A Red and White Log Cabin Quilt

I am so very lucky to be able to quilt with a small quilt/craft group every Monday. Last spring one of the quilters said, “I’m cleaning my fabric’s out, what colors do you all want?” I said anything Christmas, well over the next few weeks I received a lot of fabric.
Log cabin quilt pattern in Rred
I decided to make quilt for the holiday’s for our king size bed, and it turned out huge. A Log Cabin Christmas quilt for me! Most of the reds and black edging fabric I had. And here it is.
We have been sleeping under it for a few months, and I will probably leave it on for a bit longer…I love it. Machine pieced and long arm quilted.
It’s a bed spread quilt, loving it! It’s HUGE !

log cabin quilt block in red and white

What is the easiest quilt pattern to make…a log cabin quilt block?
Or a 4-patch quilt block… they are BOTH here for you in one quilt block. 

Simple Log Cabin Quilt Block
Center cuts are 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″

Then I just cut 1 1/2″ strips, 
sewed around as you would any log cabin block 8″x8″simple log cabin quilt pattern block

Here is one of my Log Cabin Quilt Block for you too

simple log cabin quilt block in red and white for christmas

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon

This post contains affiliate links. Which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books

Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author
who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

Sharing a Quilt Pattern and a Memory

Pin Wheel Quilt Block Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Happy 2024
It’s my time of the year to set up my happiness.
This year is going to be a time of change, my art, my quilts, taking better care of myself and enjoying everything, every day and every moment.  2023 ended with so many positives that I have to keep the love, laugher and joy going.

With new, I  can’t forget the old and here is my Great-Great Grandmothers quilt and I added the pin wheel quilt pattern for you here.
This post was from my The Quilt Ladies site, the original and it still makes me happy.

My Great Great Grandmother Quilt Pattern Pin Wheel quilt blocks
As I get  2024 started I want to take a moment to share a bit of happy, Husband and I celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary pretty much all year in 2023, love doing that. Trips with kids and grand kids and a huge over the top trip for the month of November. Once home we had to deal that Husband’s heart surgery and I can only say, it’s all done! He’s back, up and doing healthy. It sounds easy but was all hard work to stay focused and deal with it all. My Tricks
45th Anniversary wedding tripDon’t forget to share happiness with those around you! A simple smile or kind gesture can go a long way in brightening someone’s day. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a stranger, please try and make an effort to spread joy wherever we go.(my Hallmark moment)

Happy 2024,
let’s do it all with kindness, joy, love and laughter.

Take a moment to see my books and quilt pattern books.
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop

IF you  want to sign up for notice of my new posts, do that on the top right, no newsletters, just what you see here on my site. (I’m getting old)

This post contains affiliate links. Which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Beth Ann Doing a quilters way of thinking