January to August Monthly Quilt Patterns

Monthly Quilt Patterns

The Quilt Ladies Monthly Quilt Patterns from January to the month of August – HERE
Each quilt pattern has complete cutting and piecing instructions, all sizes of quilts and all to you in moments as a PDF Download.  Each month is Only $1.99(USD) See them all at
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop

January to December Monthly Quilt Pattern for 2024 from The Quilt Ladies. TheQuiltLadies.com

January Quilt Pattern

February Quilt Pattern

March Quilt Pattern

April Quilt Pattern

May Quilt Pattern

June Quilt Pattern

July Quilt Pattern

August Quilt Pattern

Monthly Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Moving The Quilt Ladies over to BethAnnDoing.com You can use either, BethAnnDoing.com or TheQuiltLadies.com
All Together on ONE Site

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books

January Quilt Pattern

Quilt Pattern to Make

We are in late January and I’m just getting things together. 2024 was to be my slow it down year…but it’s not working yet.  Husband has been having some health issues and I finished up a house project, kind of on my own. I will share it soon.

Here is my January Quilt Pattern, it’s on Etsy for you and if you would like the entire year of quilt patterns  in book form, it’s in All in One Year Quilt Patterns my book on Amazon

Now a bit of Business, Please read on:
I have decided to remove all Google and Amazon Marketing ads. It’s become a full-time job having them on my sites and the income doesn’t justify the time involved to keep doing it, plus it’s become over my head with how to?!?!?. I will be linking to my books ONLY on Amazon, and will receive only my author fee if you purchase, thank you all. If you see amazon missing ads…I’m working on removing them all but it may take a bit… it’s just me.

Here is a quilt table topper for you it’s Valentine Red, but you have make it as you like, Table Topper Quilt Pattern HERE for you ! 

Red and White Table topper quilt pattern


January quilt pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books

Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author
who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

IF you do want to sign up for notice of my posts, do that on the top right. I am stepping back from social media too, BUT will continue to post here, you are going to have to come to me…


Quilt Block of The Month

2023 Quilt Block of the Month

I am  changing things up a bit, I will be stepping back from a lot of what I don’t like…email newsletters, comments, overthinking daily posts. I will focus on the things I love to share and offer.

The shops are open, I love them and all of you for all these YEARS.

Here is the January Quilt Block of the Month and Links here to:

The Quilt Ladies Etsy Shop
My Books and Quilt Books on Amazon Kindle and Print
January Quilt Pattern ! 

2023 Quilt Block of the Month from The Quilt Ladies Quilt Block ONE

Finished size of all the quilt blocks over the next year will be 12″ x 12″. Each quilt block will have the CENTER block in some form. YOU do YOU with color, use what you have or off to a quilt shop ! Don’t over think it, it’s a quilt block !

Center Piecing for 2023 Quilt block of the month

Center Block 

Cut 40 RED – 1 ½ x 2 ½”
Piece as shown for the center
Make 5 quilt blocks

2023 quilt block of the month from The Quilt Ladies Quilt Block one

Cut 4 Squares – 4 ½” x 4 ½”
Sew as Shown

Quilt block of the month 2023

How to make Quilt Block Triangles

How to Make Quilt Block Squares

Beth Ann of The Quilt LadiesI am a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish her quilt books and quilt patterns, SEE her  BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

At NO Additional cost to you, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase. These few cents help with my fabric collection and or obsession.
Beth Ann and as always, Thank you for making my dream a reality ! !

January Quilt Pattern at My Etsy Shop

NOW in Print Too

January Quilt Pattern Book

January is the month of new and the featured quilt in this month quilt has a finished size of 36” x 36”
I designed four more quilt using the basic quilt block,
Quilt Two is a four quilt block quilt, with a finished size of 32” x 32”
Quilt Three has a finished size of 40” x 40”.
Quilt Four has a finished size of 24” x 24” with loads of white space for quilting.
Quilt Five is four doubled giving you’re a finished quilt of 48” x 48”.

January Quilt Pattern has ALL Five Quilt Patterns and is available for download in moments after payment is received, it’s Etsy so you know it’s safe.

My January Quilt Pattern and all the rest of the MONTHS are NOW in PRINT and eBook.
Here is All in One Year Quilt Patterns, each month has a new quilt pattern. 20 Quilt Patterns in all for you to make. 12 different quilt patterns and some with variations and those quilt pattern are shared too. A Quilt Pattern for EVERY month of the YEAR ! 

All in One Year Quilt Patterns

February Quilt Pattern from All in One Year Quilt Pattern Book
December Quilt
Make a May Basket Quilt
May Quilt Pattern

All in One Year Quilt Patterns

beth ann of bethanndoing.com

SEE MY BOOKS on Amazon and See everything eBooks and Quilt Patterns.

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOUThe Quilt Ladies and Beth AnnThis post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.

January Quilt Pattern

Cuddle up in a January Quilt

My Monthly Quilt Patterns are on Etsy
January Quilt Pattern on Etsy Thank you for your support of them. 

EVERY Monthly Quilt Pattern is Featured in my book,  All in One Year Quilt Patterns

January Quilt Pattern BookThe featured quilt (above) has a finished size of 36” x 36” and is as shown on cover page. I designed four more quilt using the basic quilt block,
Quilt Two is a four quilt block quilt, with a finished size of 32” x 32”
Quilt Three has a finished size of 40” x 40”.
Quilt Four has a finished size of 24” x 24” with loads of white space for quilting.
Quilt Five is four doubled giving you’re a finished quilt of 48” x 48”.

Quilt Pattern has ALL Five Quilt Patterns.
This and all the MONTHLY Quilt Pattern as NOW in my Printed book on Amazon – All in One Year Quilt Patterns –  
Read all about All in One Year

January Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

beth ann of bethanndoing.com

SEE MY BOOKS on Amazon

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOUThe Quilt Ladies and Beth AnnThis post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.

Happy 2022 And Here is my January Quilt Pattern

Start YOUR Year with a NEW Quilt Pattern

Happy 2022 
Wishing you Happiness, Health and Joy
January Quilt Pattern on Etsy

And Included in my book  All in One Year Quilt Patterns

January Quilt Pattern BookThe featured quilt (above) has a finished size of 36” x 36” and is as shown on cover page. I designed four more quilt using the basic quilt block,
Quilt Two is a four quilt block quilt, with a finished size of 32” x 32”
Quilt Three has a finished size of 40” x 40”.
Quilt Four has a finished size of 24” x 24” with loads of white space for quilting.
Quilt Five is four doubled giving you’re a finished quilt of 48” x 48”.

Quilt Pattern has ALL Five Quilt Patterns.
This and all the MONTHLY Quilt Pattern as NOW in my Printed book on Amazon – All in One Year Quilt Patterns –  
Read all about All in One Year

January Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

beth ann of bethanndoing.com

Meet Beth Ann:
I’m a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish my quilt books and quilt patterns, SEE MY BOOKS on Amazon and See everything eBooks and Quilt Patterns.

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOUThe Quilt Ladies and Beth AnnThis post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.