We are in late January and I’m just getting things together. 2024 was to be my slow it down year…but it’s not working yet. Husband has been having some health issues and I finished up a house project, kind of on my own. I will share it soon.

Here is my January Quilt Pattern, it’s on Etsy for you and if you would like the entire year of quilt patterns in book form, it’s in All in One Year Quilt Patterns my book on Amazon
Now a bit of Business, Please read on:
I have decided to remove all Google and Amazon Marketing ads. It’s become a full-time job having them on my sites and the income doesn’t justify the time involved to keep doing it, plus it’s become over my head with how to?!?!?. I will be linking to my books ONLY on Amazon, and will receive only my author fee if you purchase, thank you all. If you see amazon missing ads…I’m working on removing them all but it may take a bit… it’s just me.
Here is a quilt table topper for you it’s Valentine Red, but you have make it as you like, Table Topper Quilt Pattern HERE for you !

Read about All of Beth Ann’s Books
Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author
who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy
IF you do want to sign up for notice of my posts, do that on the top right. I am stepping back from social media too, BUT will continue to post here, you are going to have to come to me…