Traditional Basket Quilt Block

From The Quilt Ladies

Today, I’m share a traditional basket quilt block, it’s easy to piece and just wait to see what can be done with it over the next few days.  The quilt block has a finished size of eight inches by eight inches.

Traditional Basket Quilt Pattern

Cut 1 Color     6 7/8” x 6 7/8” square cut corner to corner

Cut 1 White     6 7/8” x 6 7/8” square cut corner to corner

Reserve extra triangle of another block

Cut 1 White     2 7/8” x 2 7/8” make triangles

Cut 1 Color     2 7/8” x 2 7/8” make triangles

Cut 1 White     2 1/2” x 2 1/2”

Cut 2 White     4 1/2 x 2 1/2”

making a traditional basket quilt pattern

Sew as Shown

The Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann
Beth Ann – The Quilt Ladies

Read my book “The Quilt Ladies” 12 Quilt Stories and 15 Complete Quilt Patterns

Make Retirement fun with my “How to Survive Retirement” a Check List

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU 

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B. Annie Quilt Pattern

From The Quilt Ladies

When you walk into your bedroom and see this quilt on YOUR bed, your heart will skip a beat. This is my quilt pattern book  B. Annie Quilt Pattern Book 

A Bear Paw pattern has been redesigned into Sixteen different quilt blocks, each with a finished size of Fourteen by fourteen inches. The quilt will be 88” x 84” finished size. Download my quilt patterns in moments from The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop  – it’s Etsy so EVERYTHING is safe and downloaded directly to YOU !

B. Annie Quilt Pattern Book

The quilt block are set in white with a pieced leave border to bring the quilt all together. I machine pieced and had the quilt long-arm quilted as shown about

B Annie Quilt Pattern Book

Pattern can be used as shown or put together in many different combinations. Complete quilt pattern blocks, all cutting and piecing instructions and how to put the quilt together section. Quilt binding section included too.

B. Annie Quilt Pattern Book

Remember, my quilt patterns are Digital Downloads from my Etsy Shop and they are to you in moments after purchase. My Sewing Machine Questions about downloading a digital file, Etsy helps answer the questions 

Beth Ann

Read my book “The Quilt Ladies” 12 Quilt Stories and 15 Complete Quilt Patterns

Make Retirement fun with my “How to Survive Retirement” a Check List

#quilting #quilts #quilt #quiltpattern #thequiltladies

This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.

Two Fun Quilt Pattern Blocks to Make

Color Fun with these Two Quilt Blocks

Here are two of my quilt pattern from The Quilt Ladies Site.Both quilt patterns are fun and here for the making. Quilt Patterns have a finished size of eight inches by eight inches. 
Fun Quilt Pattern Block Tutorial
Cut 2 White 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 1 Burgundy 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Make Triangles
Cut 1 Yellow 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 1 Red 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles
Fun Quilt Block Tutorial 
Cut 1 White 4 7/8” x 4 7/8” triangles
Cut from corner to corner
Cut 1 Blue 3 7/8” x 3 7/8” triangles
Cut 1 Green 4 1/2” x 4 1/2”
Cut 1 White 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut this triangle corner to corner and sew to green base 
Sew As Shown
Quilt Pattern of FUN
Fun Quilt Pattern Block Tutorial Cut 7 White    1 7/8” x 1 7/8” 
Cut 7 Yellow   1 7/8” x 1 7/8”
Make triangles
1 Red         3 7/8” x 3 7/8” 
Cut 1 Green     3 7/8” x 3 7/8” 
Make triangles
Cut 1 Yellow             2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Cut 1 Burgundy        2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Fun Quilt Pattern Block Tutorial by The Quilt LadiesCut 1 Red         2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 1 Pink 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 2 Green    1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 2 White    1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 1 Lt. Green        2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Cut 1 Lt. Green        1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 1 Green     4 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 1 Green     3 1/2” x 1 1/2” 

Sew As Shown

Remember, my quilt patterns are Digital Downloads from my Etsy Shop and they are to you in moments after purchase. Questions about downloading a digital file, Etsy helps answer the questions 

Beth Ann

Read my book “The Quilt Ladies” 12 Quilt Stories and 15 Complete Quilt Patterns

Make Retirement fun with my “How to Survive Retirement” a Check List

#quilting #quilts #quilt #quiltpattern #thequiltladies

Quilts Around my House

Just a few more of the Quilts Around my House

Little applique, machine pieced, hand appliqued and quilted. Quilt measures seven inches by seven inches.

hand applique little quilt by beth ann doing

This is packing tubs set up as a bedroom to sale our home.  This is the quilt that I use every night watching TV. Machine pieced and hand quilted.

blue and white quilt

The Quilt for the Grand’s to use here at our house, Grand #3 loved to play on it, eat lunch on it and have popcorn on it ! Machine pieced and hand quilted.

Cuddle quilt at Grandma's

Husband’s office quilt from his working days. Machine pieced and hand quilted.

husband's office bow tie quilt by beth ann doing

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The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

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