I have been working on a HUGE project and it’s time to show it OFF. I painted our kitchen cabinets. Thanks to some great paint and time, everything worked out GREAT. First, I did LOTS of research, how to, asked lots of questions and planned out my project. Do the homework and decide then, IF you can do it. Second, make or take a block of time and doing a kitchen, you must plan ahead.
This is my AFTER Photo
The BEFORE Photo – See the vinyl on the top right cabinet. These are the original cabinets, all have a vinyl topping, neighbors had removed them and I knew I could do it too. The worse that could happen…we get new cabinet doors. DIDN’T HAPPEN !
This is how they looked on most of the edges, the glue had dried up. Number the inside of each cabinet. I didn’t remove hinges, but did remove the doors from the boxes
Here is were I am pretty sure I screamed ! ! With just a putty knife I went around the outside edge and it came off ! ! ! IN A WHOLE PIECE ! Happy Dancing in my Kitchen First one done and the row of three. I was THRILLED !
In little OVER an HOUR, I had all the vinyl removed ! ! ! I then removed the door hinges from the boxes and did a VERY lite sanding with a brown paper sack. Trick is here in an old post
I shared this photo and LOTS of talk about my clean cabinets inside. We have NO storage and if not organized, I can’t find anything and that driving me crazy !
NOW the fun part! ! I did a LOT of research about kitchen paint and paint in general. There in not reason to do this wrong, AND I have done that…2 houses ago. NOT a PAID ad, BUT I used Benjamin Moore ADVANCE Paint. I took a door to the store(vinyl removed) and talked with them and YES, it would work, the gallon was about 55.00. I had KILZ’s and did 2 coats of that, sanding with brown sack in between.
I set up a work station, a white poster board on counter, paint can, an old towel and then the cabinet, you can do a lazy susan thing then. I ONLY taped the first one, I have a very steady hand. I did the top and edges, not the inside.
Placed can’s on the garage floor and added cabinets on top, FLAT. 2 Coats of KILZ and 2 Coats of the Benjamin Moore Advance, brown sack sand between. The trick to this paint is to paint and LEAVE it ALONE ! It is self leveling, see something get it the next coat ! That’s REALLY hard for me. BUT I learned quick, LEAVE it ALONE ! P.S. I brush all the cabinets, I don’t like a roller, just messy to me. With the self leveling it worked FOR ME, perfect.
I did the final coat and we left for 3 days, again, LET them DRY !
Husband doesn’t have to get on a ladder and he put them up as quick as I could hand them to him. They are a very light blue color, as the light and time of day changes, so do them, to a light gray. Didn’t plan that, but love it.
Added back on the simple silver knobs we had been using ! Just finished painting the inside of the back door to match ! I purchased paint for this project, had everything else. So for about 50-60 dollars I have a new kitchen. Next color will be RED
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