Tired and Always Tired?!?

Making Always Tired a Good Thing?

Tired?  You know what tired means? It means you actually did something and I keep telling myself that. 
I Googled “tired” and it talked about running marathon, a brisk walk…I am talking about every OLD age bone hurting in my body, EVERY BONE.

And, let me be honest, I get good sleep.
You ever try to fall asleep when you’re well-rested? It’s awful. I just lie there, making sure the cable box light doesn’t go out, or making sure I planned the grain to go the right directions for the counter top project we are doing,  or did I shower tonight?

BUT tired when sleep hits me it’s  like a bear hug under my quilt. One minute I am thinking, “I should read” and the next, I wake up with  drool on your pillow.  Kind of Perfection.

Plus, I guess being old I can blame everything on being tired.
I put the milk in the pantry and my coffee cup in the fridge?
Accidentally call your Husband, “Mom”?
Yep, tired again.

 “And Yes, I ate the last four cookies, OF COURSE I DID, I was tired.”
See? Works every time.

So really, tired isn’t a bad thing???
Let the Library, office and sewing room remodel continue and YES, we put down the tile floor ourselves and YES it about KILLED me !
Just saying, “Good and Tired!”

Beth Ann and The Quilt Ladies
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop 
My Quilt Ladies Books and Quilt Patterns in Print and eBooks

“Yes, Ma’am,” Say It, Us It, Do It

Please, Be a Kind

I had a hard time talking with our landscaper, and it’s bothered me all week. SO here I go!

True wisdom in knowing when to say, “Yes, ma’am.” And not just to anyone! This sacred phrase is reserved for the VIPs of life: wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunties, and that 67-year-old landscape customer who can probably out rake you any day of the week.

These ladies in your life have earned their “Yes, ma’am” privileges. Your wife puts up with your selective hearing and your inability to find anything in the fridge. Your mother carried you for nine months and only brings it up every other phone call. Your grandmother? She has stories from “back in her day” that could humble even the toughest man. Sisters and aunties? They’ve been roasting you since childhood and will continue to do so until the end of time. And the 67-year-old landscape customer? Well, if she tells you to cut, cut it! – because she’s seen things, and you don’t want to find out what happens if you say no.

Don’t hesitate. Because the moment you do, that landscape lady is coming for you with a rake. OR hiring a new company ! ! 

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Block Patterns

Beth Ann 

You Want to do WHAT to My Pancreas?

Pancreas Surgery Guide Book

This (my) book was and is our journey, with 2024 taking a turn of removal of part of Husbands pancreas.
I took over the top notes, details, it’s all here and I am very proud to be able to share it with you.
It’s one of those books I hope NO one will need, but after seeing the Doctor’s waiting rooms and the Oncology floor of the hospital…it’s here IF you need it.  In Print and eBook form and now with Prime too

Pancreas Surgery Book and Guide

A Wife’s Journey Through Partial Pancreatectomy and Spleen Removal
When my husband faced the overwhelming reality of major surgery—losing two-thirds of his pancreas and his spleen—our world shifted in ways we never could have imagined. The medical term for this surgery is a Partial Pancreatectomy with Splenectomy, and while doctors focus on the physical side of healing, we quickly realized that recovery is just as much emotional as it is medical.
Through every fear, every tear, and every moment of hope, I stood by his side, asking questions, learning as we went, and navigating a world we never thought we’d have to understand. This book is my way of sharing that journey—not just as a memoir, but as a guide for others facing the same path.
Why I Wrote This Book
Part guidebook, part how-to manual, this book dives into the medical complexities of the surgery and recovery, while also exploring the emotional battles we fought together. I cover everything from finding the right doctor and understanding testing, to the reality of potential diabetes risks and the vital role of nutrition in healing. But beyond the clinical aspects, I also share the personal side—the emotions, fears, and small victories that come with being a caregiver and a patient’s biggest support system.
If you or a loved one are facing this surgery, I hope my experiences offer understanding, encouragement, and a roadmap to navigate this unfamiliar world.
What You’ll Find Inside
Here’s a look at what this book covers:
1. Function of the Pancreas – Understanding why this organ is so vital
2. Testing – The tests you’ll encounter before surgery
3. Finding the Right Doctor – What to look for in a surgeon and medical team
4. ONE Huge Maybe… Diabetes – Understanding the risk after surgery
5. Educate Yourself – Must-know information before surgery
6. YOU MUST DO’s! – Essential steps to prepare for surgery and recovery
7. Ready, Set, Surgery Prep – What to expect leading up to surgery
8. Day of Surgery – A firsthand look at what happens on the big day
9. Pancreas Surgery Process – Robotic – How robotic surgery works
10. Surgery Process – Standard – The traditional surgical approach
11. After Surgery Room Care – What to expect in post-op recovery
12. Release Home & Home Care – The transition from hospital to home
13. Support Caregiver – Tips for those caring for a loved one after surgery
14. Normal – Follow-Ups – What recovery looks like in the weeks and months ahead
15. What’s Next? – Life after a partial pancreatectomy and splenectomy
For Patients, Caregivers, and Loved Ones

This book isn’t just for patients—it’s for the caregivers, spouses, family members, and friends who are walking this road alongside them. Even in the most uncertain times, knowledge is power, and with the right doctors, nurses, and support, you can find light in the journey toward healing.
I am not a doctor, but I am a wife who stood by her husband through every step of this experience.

Let the journey begin/continue and let’s survive
 If this book can help just one person feel less alone, more prepared, and maybe even smile along the way, then my pet project has done its job.
Beth Ann

Pancreas removal book HOW on Amazon eBook and in Print from Beth Ann Strub

Have to Love a Quilt Hug

Cuddle in a Quilt, Is Needed

It’s been a LONG couple of days here and I need my quilt hug that whispers, “Everything’s going to be okay.” It’s all about the moment I grab my quilt and wrap it around me, my brain instantly decides it’s all going to be alright. My quilts do it all the time.

53 quilt block patterns from The Quilt Ladies

53 Quilt Block Patterns Quilt on Amazon in Print and eBook

At my Etsy Shop as PDF Download

It’s quilt magic and let’s be honest, life is always better when you’re under a quilt. It’s the  smooth cotton, between my fingers, and the slightly lumpy stitches of my hand quilting.  Those layers of fabric and batting are like a personal shield from the chaos of the world.

Now, the whole thing about sharing a quilt?!? I don’t share quilts well…I know…I have a lot of quilts around here and some are just NOT for sharing and that’s it’s all a OKAY ! But, when at one quilt comes out and you know it’s only for share…It’s quilt magic.

Square Perfect Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Square Perfect is a HUGE Quilt and it’s on Amazon in Print and eBook
and at My Etsy Shop 

It’s time to purchase a quilt pattern, make a quilt and do some cuddle up time and let the happiness take over—quilts have got you covered.

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

Make a Quilter Happy in Three Ways

And Your Weekly Quilt Block

I have a fourth way to make a Quilter happy,
it’s a Quilt Block Pattern.

My weekly Quilt Block Pattern is Below

Three ways to Make a Quilter Happy ! 

Set the Mood
Start with good lighting—nothing kills the mood faster than squinting at tiny stitches in a shadowy corner. Add your favorite playlist, audiobook, or true crime podcast (because what’s better than solving mysteries while sewing?). Bonus points if you have a mug of coffee or brew a cup of tea. Suddenly, quilting feels like a cozy retreat instead of just a to-do list item.

Snack Strategically – Reaching a bit here…but?
No, you don’t need crumbs in your fabric, but let’s face it: quilting burns mental energy, and snacks are fuel. Keep a stash of easy-to-eat treats nearby—think chocolate, nuts, or anything that won’t turn your quilt into a grease rag. Pair it with a drink you love, and you’ll feel like you’re at a quilting spa.

Celebrate the Little Wins
Finished a tricky block? Reward yourself! Take a picture, post it online, or do a happy dance. Nobody’s perfect, and your quilting adventures, mistakes and all are part of the story. After all, happy quilters make the best quilts!

My Weekly Quilt Block Pattern for you.  Today, let’s all about triangles and squares. . This quilt block has a finished size of eight inches by eight inches. Here are my tutorials,
How to sew squares and how to sew quilt triangles

weekly quilt block pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Cut 1 Blue     2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 1 Red      2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Make Triangles

Cut 2 Gray     2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 2 White   2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Make Triangles

Cut 2 Blue     2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 2 White   2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Make Triangles

Cut 2 White   2 1/2” x 2 1/2”

Cut 8 Green 1 1/2” x 1 12”

Cut 8 Red      1 1/2” x 1 1/2”

Sew as Shown

See my Books on AMAZON

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern ShopBeth Ann and as always Thank you for stopping
#quiltladies, #freequiltblock, #freequiltblockpattern, #weeklyquiltblock


February 2025 Quilt Pattern

The Quilt Ladies February 2025 Quilt Pattern

My February Quilt Pattern 2025

Basket quilt blocks in four different styles, great for the beginner quilter and the quilter who have quilted for years. Simple cutting and piecing instructions. Each Basket Quilt Block has a finished size of ten inches and the quilt has a finished size of 42” x 42” making it a perfect lap quilt size or a baby quilt. January 2025 Quilt Pattern here for you too.

February Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

February Quilt Pattern 2025

How my Quilt Pattern look and how they are presented.

February Quilt Pattern how to sheet from The Quilt Ladies

See all my MONTHLY Quilt Patterns 

The Quilt Ladies US State Quilt Blocks
My US State Quilt Block Patterns

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop
My Quilt Ladies Books and Quilt Patterns in Print and eBooks

Quilt Basket Block for You to Make

Free Weekly Quilt Block

Let’s add a bit more to a basket quilt block from the one we did last week. This quilt block has triangle handle and base.  Nothing says traditional quilt block more than 2 colors. This quilt block has a finished size of eight inches by eight inches. Any two colors will work, anything with white will be perfect.

How I make my triangles tutorial

Traditional basket quilt block pattern

Cut 4 Purple 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 4 White   2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles 

Cut 1 Purple   4 7/8” x 4 7/8” 
Cut 1 White   4 7/8” x 4 7/8”
Make Triangle – save extra for later

Cut 1 White   2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Cut 2 White  4 1/2” x 2 1/2”

Sew as shown below

 Traditional basket quilt block pattern bethanndoing

Thank you from The Quilt Ladies

Meet Beth Ann:
A Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish her quilt books and quilt patterns, SEE her  BOOKS on Amazon and PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

The Quilt Ladies Books NOW in Amazon

The Quilt Ladies Book

Make Their Quilts and Read Their Stories

Read The Quilt Ladies Stories and make the quilts they are Making—all in one book!
This collection includes all twelve Quilt Ladies stories and fifteen quilt patterns, brought together in one volume.

Follow my Quilt Ladies journey, five very different women as they come together through their shared love of quilting. These stories take you through their lives—learning to quilt, starting a business, moving, navigating everyday challenges, and even facing life and loss. Each book builds on their story, capturing a simpler time and a simpler way of living.

Plus, every story includes complete quilt instructions for the quilt the ladies are making in that chapter. Curl up with this charming collection and be inspired to create your own quilts while you enjoy tales of friendship, resilience, and the power of community.

IN Print and ONLY on AMAZON


Spirit of the Holidays with Happiness and Love

As the world slows down for this festive season, the holidays stand out as a time brimming with anticipation and joy. It’s moments to pause, reflect, and celebrate the things that matter most—happiness, love, and connection.
Please, share kindness and embrace togetherness, we create memories that last a lifetime and that can and will carry the spirit of the season into every day.
From our home to yours, Merry Christmas
Have a safe and happy holiday.

the quilt ladies quilts

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

What is a use it Quilt?

Use the Quilt or Not?

I had a questions, “What is a use it Quilt?” I mentioned this the other day and I’ve never talked about this before. My guide of which quilt to use?
I kind of grade my quilts, this yellow quilt was a gift, and this is the back of it! I made it to sleep under, use it, love it, wash and dry it.

 bright yellow quilt for queen size bedThis is quilt below is my use it quilt, it’s from an auction about 35  years ago, it’s still lovely.  It’s  all the hand quilting, the batting has held up very well. Right now it’s folded on a chair in our living room and I use it all the time.

blue and white quilt

These are the next step up quilts at my house, the hand quilted items I use  around my house. I love table toppers and have them all around. Most are machine pieced and I have hand quilted them.  But they are not washed daily and they are very much in original quality.

table topper quilt quilting chair back

Then…used BUT only my me ~  “I” use it! and why? I don’t think my Great, Great Grandmother would want it in a closet, not loved and not used. PLUS, I cannot tell you the joy it gives me.

This is my Great-Great Grandmother’s quilt

Great Great Grandma's Quilt

And then NEVER used, my quilt pattern quilts from The Quilt Ladies Book
See all my Quilt Pattern also at: The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

the quilt ladies at a quilt show love knot quilt pattern

Love KNOT quilt pattern book 

All 12 Quilt Patterns 2024 from The Quilt Ladies
All 2024 Quilt Patterns

Meet Beth Ann:
A Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish her quilt books and quilt patterns, SEE her  BOOKS on Amazon and PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy