Tired? You know what tired means? It means you actually did something and I keep telling myself that.
I Googled “tired” and it talked about running marathon, a brisk walk…I am talking about every OLD age bone hurting in my body, EVERY BONE.
And, let me be honest, I get good sleep.
You ever try to fall asleep when you’re well-rested? It’s awful. I just lie there, making sure the cable box light doesn’t go out, or making sure I planned the grain to go the right directions for the counter top project we are doing, or did I shower tonight?
BUT tired when sleep hits me it’s like a bear hug under my quilt. One minute I am thinking, “I should read” and the next, I wake up with drool on your pillow. Kind of Perfection.
Plus, I guess being old I can blame everything on being tired.
I put the milk in the pantry and my coffee cup in the fridge?
Accidentally call your Husband, “Mom”?
Yep, tired again.
“And Yes, I ate the last four cookies, OF COURSE I DID, I was tired.”
See? Works every time.
So really, tired isn’t a bad thing???
Let the Library, office and sewing room remodel continue and YES, we put down the tile floor ourselves and YES it about KILLED me !
Just saying, “Good and Tired!”

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