Star Triangle Quilt Block

A Quilt Ladies Book Pattern

My Star Triangle quilt block is all about the triangle. I like to think of it as triangle practice, let the sewing begin. 

Finished quilt block is twelve inches by twelve inches.
how to make a star quilt block 
how to make a star quilt pattern
Cut 8 Blue – 3
7/8” x 3 7/8”
Cut 8 White – 3
7/8” x 3 7/8”
Make Triangles
Sew as shown
This Quilt Block is from my Book
The Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann
Beth Ann
The Quilt Ladies Book Collection  ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

How to Survive Retirement My new book on KINDLE and NOW in PRINT 

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

#quilting #quilts #quilt #quiltpattern #thequiltladies #bethanndoing #patchwork #patchworkpatterns

This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase. Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book on Kindle and Nook, nothing is possible without your purchases


Changing up a Traditional Basket Quilt Block

From The Quilt Ladies

The last basket quilt block was very straight forward and simple. I took another look at it and here is what I did to it !  Finished size is still eight inches by eight inches. 

basket quilt pattern

Cut 3 Pink       2 7/8” x 2 7/8”make triangles

Cut 3 White     2 7/8” x 2 7/8” make triangles

Cut 2 White     2 1/2” x 2 1/2”

Cut 1 Red       3 7/8” x 3 7/8” triangles

Cut 1 White     3 7/8” x 3 7/8” triangles

Cut 1 Pink       2 1/2” x 2 1/2”

Cut 1 Yellow   1 1/2” x 1 1/2”

Cut 2 White     2 1/2” x 1 1/2”

Cut 9 Asst Colors 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”

basket quilt block

Sew as shown
The Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann
Beth Ann – The Quilt Ladies

The Quilt Ladies Book Collection  ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

How to Survive Retirement My new book on KINDLE and NOW in PRINT TOO 

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase. Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book on Kindle and Nook, nothing is possible without your purchases

Two Fun Quilt Pattern Blocks to Make

Color Fun with these Two Quilt Blocks

Here are two of my quilt pattern from The Quilt Ladies Site.Both quilt patterns are fun and here for the making. Quilt Patterns have a finished size of eight inches by eight inches. 
Fun Quilt Pattern Block Tutorial
Cut 2 White 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 1 Burgundy 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Make Triangles
Cut 1 Yellow 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 1 Red 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles
Fun Quilt Block Tutorial 
Cut 1 White 4 7/8” x 4 7/8” triangles
Cut from corner to corner
Cut 1 Blue 3 7/8” x 3 7/8” triangles
Cut 1 Green 4 1/2” x 4 1/2”
Cut 1 White 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut this triangle corner to corner and sew to green base 
Sew As Shown
Quilt Pattern of FUN
Fun Quilt Pattern Block Tutorial Cut 7 White    1 7/8” x 1 7/8” 
Cut 7 Yellow   1 7/8” x 1 7/8”
Make triangles
1 Red         3 7/8” x 3 7/8” 
Cut 1 Green     3 7/8” x 3 7/8” 
Make triangles
Cut 1 Yellow             2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Cut 1 Burgundy        2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Fun Quilt Pattern Block Tutorial by The Quilt LadiesCut 1 Red         2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 1 Pink 2 7/8” x 2 7/8” 
Cut 2 Green    1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 2 White    1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 1 Lt. Green        2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Cut 1 Lt. Green        1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 1 Green     4 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 1 Green     3 1/2” x 1 1/2” 

Sew As Shown

Remember, my quilt patterns are Digital Downloads from my Etsy Shop and they are to you in moments after purchase. Questions about downloading a digital file, Etsy helps answer the questions 

Beth Ann

Read my book “The Quilt Ladies” 12 Quilt Stories and 15 Complete Quilt Patterns

Make Retirement fun with my “How to Survive Retirement” a Check List

#quilting #quilts #quilt #quiltpattern #thequiltladies

Home and Not Starting too Quick

Star Quilt Patterns for YOU !

We took a fantastic vacation, returned home, laundry, sleep and re-entry to the real world.
I had visions of posts and ideas…..BUT mother nature had another thought ! Our condo building was hit by lighting, after we returned (Florida’s the lighting capital) it hit our cable, internet lines and blow my PC Computer, printer and TV  cable boxes. 
Off to the repair guy…. not repairable, off to get my laptop and thank goodness all was able to be moved to it…. I had a lot backed up on USB, but of course not everything…. I hope to get back into a schedule here again, the hard part is finding everything…But, that will come too ???? in the mean time ! 

Here is a page for a few of my Star Quilt Patterns

Star quilt pattern

New patterns are available at The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop


How to Survive Retirement my new book on KINDLE and NOW in PRINT The Quilt Ladies Book Collection  ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase



Two Color Star Quilt Pattern

Star Pattern from Trianlges

Nothing better than a two-color quilt pattern and this star is a perfect example. This quilt block is only one of the 68 Quilt Blocks made into a fantastic quilt in my book The Ladies at my Etsy Shop and now in print 
How I do my triangle HERE for you!  The finished quilt block is eight inches by eight inches
free two-color star quilt block pattern  
how to make a star quilt pattern
Cut 8 Blue –
3 7/8” x 3 7/8”
Cut 8 White –
3 7/8” x 3 7/8”
Make Triangles
Sew as shown
See all 68 quilt pattern blocks in my book “THE LADIES”

The Ladies Quilt Pattern Book

See all Beth Ann’s Quilt Books in Print and eBooks here
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop here
See all Beth Ann Doing and
No additional cost to you, this post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase. It helps with my fabric obsession. Beth Ann

Brother Sewing Machine
Brother Sewing Machine

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book on Kindle and Nook,

nothing is possible without your purchases, Thank You

Flowers Needed Quilt Pattern block of YOU !

With all the weather going on, take a bit of time and think of SPRING Flowers. 
Here is my Flower Quilt Pattern for you
Finished block size 8″ x 8″
how to make a flower quilt block tutorial
The Quilt Ladies NOW on Kindle and NOOK
Flower Quilt Pattern Tutorial
Cutting for ONE block

Cut 1 Pink – 2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″

Cut 1 White –
2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Make Triangles
Cut 1 Red – 2 1/2″ x 4 1/2″
Cut 1 Pink –
2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Cut 1 Dk. Green –
2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Make Triangle
Cut 1 Pink –  2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Cut 1 Lt. Green –  2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Make Triangle
Cut 1 Dk. Green – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
Cut 1 Lt.. Green – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
Cut 1 Purple –  2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Cut 1 Dk. Green –  2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Make Triangles
Cut 1 Purple –  2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Cut 1 Lt. Green –  2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ 
Make Triangles
(You will have extra triangles left)  
If you like, I added borders
Cut 4 Dk. Green – 1 1/2″ x 8 1/2″
Cut 4 White – 1 1/2″ x 1 1/2″
If you’d like a really fun block, change all the 2’s to 1 inch, 
that’s how I did it in the picture.
quilt flower tutorial
The Quilt Ladies NOW on Kindle and NOOK

Quilt Basket Beauty

I love quilting with the group in our area and I like handwork so I can talk with the ladies, I can be home alone and use my sewing machine, here is one of my favorite quilts, I use it as a runner on my dresser, it’s pattern is here for you
The Quilt Ladies Store Logo

How to Survive Retirement my new book

The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU


This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase

The Quilt Ladies quilt stories and quilt patterns

Add a Quilt to the Bed

MY NEW Quilt Pattern Book on ETSY

A Big Brown and Pink Quilt Pattern Book
quilt pattern using squares and triangles
how to make a quilt pattern tutorial

Meet Beth Ann:
A Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish her quilt books and quilt patterns, SEE her  BOOKS on Amazon and PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

At NO Additional cost to you Disclaimer, this quilt pattern post contains affiliate links. I receive a few cents if you click to my links and purchase. These few cents help with my fabric collection and or obsession.
Beth Ann and as always, Thank you for making my dream a reality ! !

The Quilt Ladies NOW in Print and on Kindle


The State of Idaho Quilt Pattern of the Week – The Quilt Ladies

The State of Idaho is this weeks quilt pattern block for you to make. Finished size is fourteen inches by fourteen inches. 
This quilt block is my twist on a log cabin block, have fun and play with color.  NOW available HERE

State Quilt Block of Idaho by The Quilt Ladies

State Quilt Block Patterns from The Quilt Ladies

Second 10 State Quilt Block Patterns
Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland


Beth Ann

How to Survive Retirement my new book on KINDLE

How to Survive Retirement my new book in PRINT

The Quilt Ladies ONLY on Kindle and NOOK

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU