Four-Patch Table Topper Quilt Pattern

Sew a Table Topper Quilt

4-Patch Table Topper Pattern for YOU. If you look close I did all my sewing by hand. Most will not, my office/library project continues….
Table Topper finished size 29″ x 34″

four patch quilt table topper

Cut 80 – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ squares
Piece together to form a 4-patch block
four patch quilt table topper
You will have 40 – 2-patch blocks
Red table topper
Open up the 2-patch blocks, press the seam to the 
dark fabric side
and add another 2-patch
make a table topperMatching up the seams, open to check and 
make sure they match before sewing
four patch quilt table topper
You will have 20 – 4-Patch blocks 
After the 20 – 4-patch blocks are finished, 
lay them out as you would like them
making a red four patch quilt table topper5 down and 4 across
This is the sashing and border fabric, I always lay it out and like it, BEFORE cutting
four patch quilt table topper
Cut 49 – 4 1/2″ x 1 1/2″ sashing 
Cut 30 1 1/2″ x 1 1/2″  corner blocks
four patch quilt table topper
Stack your rows up and move to sewing table, I don’t have a felt wall, so I use my dining
room table to lay things out. 
Sew a 4 1/2″ x 1 1/2″ strip to each end and in between 
each in the row

four patch quilt table topper

Sew 6 rows as shown above, 4- 4 1/2″ x 1 1/2″ strips and 5- 1 1/2″ x 1 1/2″ squares. Sew the rows together 
four patch quilt table topper
Cut 2 Sashing color – 26 1/2″ x 4 1/2″
Sew to the left and right sides
four patch quilt table topper
Make the corners
Cut 4 Dark Color – 4 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ 
Cut 4 Dark Color – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
 Cut 4 Red – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
sew together 1 dark and 1 red,
sew dark 4 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ on
four patch quilt table topper
Cut 2 Sashing Color – 21 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ 
Sew to the top and bottom of the table topper
four patch quilt table topper
Finished size is
34″ x 29″
The Quilt Ladies Quilt pattern shop

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book on Kindle and Nook, nothing is possible without your purchases, Beth

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The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

Let’s Make A Quilt, it’s OUR 47th Wedding Anniversary !

A Table Topper Quilt Pattern to Make

Forty-seven years of marriage—can you believe it?
That’s 17,155 days of wedded bliss, occasional debates over everything, and more shared meals than we can count (some more successful than others), I really do try?!?

 And since 47 years deserves a little something special and I love a simple quilt project, they are kind of like a marriage, quilting requires patience, creativity, and a good seam ripper.

Seams are perfectly straight, but sometimes they need a little adjustment, and in the end, it all comes together beautifully (kind of like Husband and I).

So here’s to 47 years of love, laughter, and never quite agreeing on why we need a eating schedule?!? Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re off to celebrate—with cake, of course.
Cheers to love, stitches, and YOU make this happy table topper, it’s one I use all the time. It has a finished size of 18″ x 24″, made with simple 2 1/2″ squares. Nothing better than 2 1/2″ cut squares. 

Red Table Topper Using Quilt Squares
70 – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ red quilt squares
7 quilt squares across and 10 down, 

Cut 2 Red – 20 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
Sew to the long sides

Cut 2 Red – 14 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
Cut 4 Corner – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
Sew to the 14 1/2″ Strip
Sew to the Top and Bottom
Cut Binding 2 1/2″ x 86″
Spring Table with Red Table Topper
A good wall hanging and table center piece.


Spring Table with Red Table Topper
Hand quilt stitches
Spring Table with Red Table Topper
Quilt Corner
Red Table Topper Using Quilt Squares

beth ann of

SEE MY BOOKS on Amazon and See everything eBooks and Quilt Patterns.

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOUThe Quilt Ladies and Beth Ann

Triangle Quilt Block Pattern

The Quilt Ladies Weekly Quilt Bl;ock

In the middle of other projects going I needed some sewing time, here is a quilt block to make.

This quilt pattern is
, Darting Birds  and is 6 inch by 6 inch finished quilt block.  See ALL the weekly quilt block patterns
triangle quilt block pattern from The Quilt Ladies
Cut 3  – 2 ½” x 2 ½”
Cut 3 Colored – 2 7/8”’ x 2 7/8”
Cut 3 White – 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles
Sew as shown

triangle quilt pattern block

There are MANY ways to sew a quilt triangle. This is the method that I use, you do you ! !

triangle quilt block pattern from The Quilt Ladies

beth ann of

SEE MY BOOKS on Amazon and See everything eBooks and Quilt Patterns.

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

This post may contain affiliate links. I will receive a few cents if you click to their site and purchase.

March Quilt Pattern 2025

Baby Quilt, Lap Quilt, Table Topper, You Decide

March’s Quilt Pattern is NOW ready to YOU and it’s a Baby Quilt !
 Let’s get started with a perfect size baby quilt or something for yourself. I use mine as a dresser topper. Use up your scrap quilt fabrics or a charm packs will do too. ONLY available at my Etsy shop.

March Quilt Pattern 2025 from The Quilt LadiesComplete quilt instructions and loads of pictures to help you if needed, so this quilt pattern is for all quilters at every level.
PDF download to you in moments, 16 pages, print out on 8.5” x 11” paper or save to your computer it’s delivered to you by Etsy, they know what they do! Here is HOW download from Etsy

PDF download a Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern

The Quilt Ladies Logo Beth Ann
Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my
Quilt Ladies Book
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop 

My Quilt Ladies Books and Quilt Patterns in
Print and eBooks

Triangle Quilt Block Pattern to Make

The Quilt Ladies Triangle Quilt Block Series

Thank you for asking for this quilt block pattern series, they are here for you again as my weekly quilt blocks.

This quilt block’s official name is Shoofly, it has MANY names, but I like Shoofly – it’s a triangle and square quilt block,

a 6 inch by 6 inch finished quilt block. I just used a charm pack to make my quilt block set. You do you! and have FUN!
See The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop

free quilt pattern block
How to make quilt triangles
Cut 4 White  – 2 ½” x 2 ½”
Cut 1 Center – 2 ½” x 2 ½”

Cut 2 Colors – 2 7/8”’ x 2 7/8”
Cut 2 White – 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles
Sew as shown

free quilt pattern blockbeth ann of

SEE MY BOOKS on Amazon and See everything eBooks and Quilt Patterns.

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Etsy Shop HERE for YOU

Heart Quilt Block Pattern

Sew a Simple Heart Quilt Block

Sewing a heart quilt block for Valentine’s Day for yourself or another.

This classic design is perfect for celebrate  using soft pinks, deep reds, and vibrant whites, the heart block comes together with simple piecing triangles and squares, Great for or beginners and seasoned quilters.

A simple quilt block pattern and it’s just in time for Valentine’s Day. My heart quilt block pattern has a finished size of eight inches by eight inches. See all my Weekly Quilt Block Patterns

Valentine's Heart quilt pattern from The Quilt Ladies

Cut 4 Red – 2  7/8″ x  2 7/8″
Cut 4 White – 2  7/8″ x  2 7/8″
Make into Triangles
How I do My Triangles

Cut 6 Red – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
Lay out and sew as shown

How to sew a heart quilt block

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and
my Quilt Ladies Book

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop

My Quilt Ladies Books and Quilt Patterns
in Print and eBooks

See All My Weekly Quilt Block Patterns

Quilt Block Pattern of the Week – The Quilt Ladies

2025 Weekly Quilt Block Pattern

I’m thrilled with my new weekly series:
Quilt Block Pattern of the Week!
I will be trying to post them on Friday. Each quilt block will have a finished size of eight inches by eight inches, 8″ x 8″ and will be from advance to beginner quilt blocks. 
Quilt Ladies quilt block of the week

Each week, I’ll share a fresh, creative quilt block pattern to inspire your projects and challenge your skills. I draw quilt blocks sitting in doctor offices and at the hospital. Some have been sewn and most have not, so it’s all up to you, don’t overthink anything, it’s fabric, have fun and make my weekly Quilt Blocks.

star quilt block pattern from the quilt ladies

Cut 6 Lt. Blue 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 4 White 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”

Cut 10 White 1 7/8” x 1 7/8”
Cut these in half to make triangles

Cut 4 Red 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut these in half to make triangles

Cut 2 White 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut these in half to make triangles
Cut 1 Lt. Blue 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut in half to make triangles

Cut 8 Gray 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 2 Green 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 6 Yellow 1 1/2” x 1 1/2”
Cut 4 Yellow 1 7/8” x 1 7/8”

Cut these in half to make triangles

Sew as shown

Find my Square and Triangle How to
How to make Squares

How to make Triangles

Let’s sew together, one block at a time! Don’t forget to share your creations with the hashtag #WeeklyQuiltBlock—I can’t wait to see your work!

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

A Birthday Treat for Me!

Pinwheel Quilt Block Pattern

My Birthday was over this past weekend and thank you to all, I had a fantastic day/weekend !  So, much so I have posting one of my favorite all time posts and it’s quilt block is below too !

Free Pinwheel quilt pattern This quilt was a gift to my mother from her Great Grandmother. And then a Gift to me from My Mother. Making it my, GREAT-GREAT Grandmother’s Gift to ME ! Well…That’s how I like to look at it.  I

never met her and my mom only remembered helping with the peddle sewing machine.  I use this quilt and love sleeping under it. It does not go in the washer and now living here in Florida and not having a clothes line it does go it the dryer….Yes… it bothers me too, but…. the colors are still very bright.

Free Pinwheel quilt pattern Great Great Grandma's Quilt

The hand quilting on this quilt is WONDERFUL
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

How to make the Pin Wheel Quilt Block from my Great-great Grandmother – quilt pattern below for you.

Free Pinwheel quilt pattern

Finished block will be 6″ x 6″
Cutting for ONE Block
Cut 2 Green – 3 7/8″ x 3 7/8″
cut each block from corner to corner
(shown as gray)
Cut 1 Pink 4 1/4″ x 4 1/4″
cut corner to corner and then again, corner to corner
(shown as red )
Cut 1 White 4 1/4″ x 4 1/4″
cut corner to corner and then again, corner to corner
(shown as white)
Piece 4 blocks together as shown 
Sew into rows
Sew rows together
My Great, Great Grandmother's Pin Wheel Quilt Block PatternPlease remember, 
there are other methods of piecing 
the quarter triangle, this is how I do it. My quilt tutorial how I do Triangles
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December Quilt Pattern 2024

Stars in Stars for YOUR Holiday Season Quilt

My December 2024 Quilt Pattern

December Quilt Pattern has Complete Quilt Pattern with all cutting and piecing instructions for a
69″ x 54″ quilt. 2024 Monthly Quilt Patterns are all available now.
My December 2024 Quilt Pattern features a repeating geometric star pattern. The stars contain a darker blue center and radiate outwards with gold and yellow tones. These stars are arranged in a grid of four rows and three columns, all separated by a bold red background. The outer border is decorated with a red and white geometric design, with blue accents in the corners. 

See my Quilt Pattern HERE

December Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies

With the Addition of the December Quilt, ALL 2024 Quilt Pattern are available NOW

The Quilt Ladies 2024 Quilt Patterns
See All of the 2024 Quilt Pattern from The Quilt Ladies
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns and Stories
The Quilt Ladies Quilt Patterns and Stories, 15 Complete Quilt Patterns and 12 Stories

Thank you for supporting my Etsy shop and my Quilt Ladies Book
SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy

Make a Holiday Quilt Block

Make a HOLIDAY Quilt Block – Pattern is here for You

This Year I can’t seem to stop thinking about the holidays!

I’m adding here  ONE of the quilt blocks from my quilt pattern book “A Holiday Quilt”

Finished quilt block is twelve by twelve inches, quilt block pattern below
Holiday Quilt Pattern Block

Read all about my book, A Holiday Quilt

The Quilt Ladies Quilt Pattern Shop PDF Downloads       

The Quilt Ladies Patterns in Print and eBooks

Cut 2 Sample quilt pattern from Holiday Quilt Book Green – 4 7/8” x 4 7/8”
Cut 2 White – 4 7/8” x 4 7/8”
Make Triangles

Cut 10 Red – 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Cut 10 White – 2 7/8” x 2 7/8”
Make Triangles

Sew as shown


Beth Ann is a Quilter and an Author who decided to self-publish her books and quilt pattern books

SEE Beth Ann’s BOOKS on Amazon and
PDF download quilt patterns on Etsy