It’s been a busy week here so far, cleaning out closets and letting go can take a toll…. and I’m sorry I’m a bit late with this weeks quilt pattern block. The finished size of the quilt block is eighteen inches by eighteen inches.
My State of Georgia Quilt Pattern, complete cutting and piecing instructions by The Quilt Ladies.
Georgia has a large place in my heart. My Sister lived there for years and I loved the adventure of visiting her. My quilt pattern has a finished size of eighteen inches by eighteen inches. How to make Triangles Georgia State Quilt Block is HERE
It’s been a bit since I have posted and it’s been a whirlwind of doing here. Life is ever changing and I will share more soon, but today it’s all about my Alabama quilt pattern block.
Book One of The Quilt Ladies US State Quilt Block Patterns
I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to share my home State of Iowa. I was born, raised, went to school, married and had our babies here. I love it…in the summer. The state gave me a lot, from a wonderful childhood to schools, to an understanding of family and time. But, home in Florida now.
The finished quilt block is fourteen inches by fourteen inches and NOW here for YOU
I have only been through North Dakota on our way to a fishing week. I remember the fields and fields of Sunflowers, they were over the top perfect. And, the purple fields of Flax, which we had to stop and ask what it was? Here for you their site.
This is my North Dakota State Quilt Pattern Block, it’s a simple and fun quilt pattern to make and with the center strips, it will go together as a full quilt wonderfully! Finished quilt block is fourteen inches by fourteen inches
I have been working on My State Quilt Patterns for a bit now and I hope you are enjoying them. Each quilt block has a finished size of fourteen inches by fourteen inches.
This is my quilt pattern design for the State of Oklahoma, it has a finished size of fourteen inches by fourteen inches. The quilt pattern is done is squares and triangles and all straight piecing. Oklahoma Quilt Block Pattern is HERE for you
This is my Florida State Quilt Pattern Block of you. After traveling this summer, we came to the idea, it’s pretty perfect here in Florida for Husband and I.